... The Bush administration doesn't appear to like the idea of ICANN becoming an independent international organization. In fact, instead of letting ICANN slip further out of its grasp, the administration seems to be tightening its grip on the Marina del Ray, Calif.-based group.
This actually has little to do with "the Bush Administration".
ICANN are being properly scrutinized because they have made a series of decisions that call into question their
competence and impartiality.
In fact, ICANN have made a case for even tighter control and accountability of their
processes. What we need is an organization that embraces its responsibilities in a genuine effort to serve higher purposes. ICANN was created for the very important mission of proper governance of the domain name system and its growth. They OWE answers. One
should expect that they can clearly justify every decision they make. They are not some private corporation who exist for their own profit.
If it's true that ICANN are trying to slip away from US regulation to achieve
less oversight, then you are witnessing deceptive underpinnings. For ICANN to further wriggle out from under closer observation is a very bad direction ... and a signal that they are no longer equipped to oversee the DNS.