Here's a Monday afternoon poser: what's the difference between and
Well, according to the owner of, the former is an acceptable domain name according to the IE Domain Registry's naming policy, while the latter is proscribed under said policy's validity guidelines.
Specifically, the rules state: "The proposed domain name must not be offensive or contrary to public policy or generally accepted principles of morality."
Accordingly, the IE Domain Registry has blocked repeated attempts by to acquire The disgruntled applicant explains:
For quite a while now, I've been trying to register the domain "". I've been rejected each time because - according to the IE Domain Registry - the word "porn" is offensive and immoral. To get around this I tried to register "porn" as a business name, but alas, the Companies Registration Office think "porn" is an offensive word.
Just so we're clear here, they aren't saying the act of porn is offensive or immoral, they're saying the word is.
This baffles me for a number of reasons. How is a word immoral? The act of rape is immoral, but the word "rape" isn't. The act of murder is immoral, but the word "murder" isn't. Why doesn't this logic apply to porn, whether or not they think porn is immoral?
Well, according to the owner of, the former is an acceptable domain name according to the IE Domain Registry's naming policy, while the latter is proscribed under said policy's validity guidelines.
Specifically, the rules state: "The proposed domain name must not be offensive or contrary to public policy or generally accepted principles of morality."
Accordingly, the IE Domain Registry has blocked repeated attempts by to acquire The disgruntled applicant explains:
For quite a while now, I've been trying to register the domain "". I've been rejected each time because - according to the IE Domain Registry - the word "porn" is offensive and immoral. To get around this I tried to register "porn" as a business name, but alas, the Companies Registration Office think "porn" is an offensive word.
Just so we're clear here, they aren't saying the act of porn is offensive or immoral, they're saying the word is.
This baffles me for a number of reasons. How is a word immoral? The act of rape is immoral, but the word "rape" isn't. The act of murder is immoral, but the word "murder" isn't. Why doesn't this logic apply to porn, whether or not they think porn is immoral?