This will be very interesting to watch. At the rate NS is going, it looks like they are going to cream the market way before the legal beagles from the registrars decide to give up.
Originally posted by DNMole
This will be very interesting to watch. At the rate NS is going, it looks like they are going to cream the market way before the legal beagles from the registrars decide to give up.
Originally posted by DNMole
That's the trick, kid. If any participating registrars in the DCJ break silence and sign up for the SN WLS API before Oct 27, the chances of the legal suits being thrown out of the water become almost a certainty.
Originally posted by kidkool
I don't see how this would affect the legal outcome in anyway. There's nothing legally preventing them from preparing for contingencies while presenting their legal challenge.
Originally posted by DNMole
If the DCJ registrars chose not to support WLS, then it would be pretty silly for them to start taking pre-orders for it.
Originally posted by actnow
Mole, all KidKool is saying is that he is going to cover all his bases.
Originally posted by kidkool
The registrars stand to make a lot from the initial rush since they will likely just grab slots on the best names and then auction them off to the highest bidder. they don't even need to take pre-orders.
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