there isn't really any programs out there that will pay you for delivering to them a person who is a "chatter" however what most advertisers associate with chatting is dating so switching your ppc keywords to dating, love, meet, etc. is probably your best option... something else that you can do is build your own web page (or just throwing a banner or two with a brief description of the program) and try and convert the traffic by processing a sale to an affiliate site such as or where commissions range as high as $50 and up for a membership sign-up'
me personally i prefer to try and convert traffic such as the one you have in your hands and others such as xxx, web hosting, travel, etc. because you are better off with a few actual sales that will get you a few hundred bucks combined, whereas a few hundred clicks (from a ppc provider service) will get you a fraction of what potentially could be much more if only monitored, optimized and converted carefully!