I am having a problem transferring a name away from snapnames, the 60 day period is over, its unlocked etc. anyone here that had similar problems before? Anyone from snapnames here that can help? Thanks
Can you be a bit more specific ? Do you have an error message ?
First you should log in to the registrar, unlock the name, also I think the EPP code is initially blank so you should make up one (mix of letters/digits for example) then update.
when I try to transfer it to godaddy, godaddy says its not available for transfer, they just give a bunch of general reasons like 60-lock, unlock etc...none of which match the case..
Domainah: Please email support(at)snapnames.com and describe your problem in as much detail as you can. Roger (our Customer Support Manager) and his crew will then get you squared away as soon as possible.