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John Zuccarini wins one!

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Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2003
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Naturalmente, quando la giustizia è provocata i provocatori voleranno dal nido.

Dal nido un può vedere il neu di howard, il toolie. ..!!! :-O :laugh:

Come stranded il grand'uccello lo progetta. ..!!!

<:eek:) <:eek:) <:eek:) :party: :party: :party: : la festa:

L'immagine di festa - <:eek:) - non lavora oggi cosí buono. .!!

:wink: :wink:


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2003
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Wenn Sie sich bewußt der Tatsachen in diesem Fall sind, gefunden Sie schnell, die falschen Aussagen bewußt durch die Rechtsanwälte für den complainant eine Entscheidung von worden zu sein werden sehen haben gemacht verlangen "kehrt Domäne Entführen um."

Es gibt keinen Zweifel, den die Schlichter sich bewußt dieser Umstände waren, aber war John Zuccarini ein "kehrt Domäne Entführen um" Entscheidung nicht würde zuerkennen.

Sie werden unter einem Kettenglied zum Fall sehen, der von Giftcertificates Com abgelegt wird, und, wenn Sie viele Klagen in der Vergangenheit gelesen haben, werden Sie nie in einer Klage die Anzahl Verkündigungen zu "Eigentumsrecht des Warenzeichens" sehen, als in diesem sehen wird.

Dies für eine Firma, die kein Warenzeichen für den Domäne Namen in Frage gehabt hat.

Die Erwiderung hat durch Ari Goldberger keine Gelegenheit für Eigentümer des Giftcertificates Com abgelegt verlassen zu glauben, daß sie irgendeine Chance des Gewinnens gehabt haben, als Ari eine Anzahl wesentliche Ausgaben erhoben hat, zuzüglich Dokumentieren von der Chronologie des Warenzeichens Anwendung durch die Regierung und die erklärten Verstorbene hat abgelehnt.

Die einzige Frage war, wie schlecht sie anschauen würden, wenn es alle gemacht wurden, und wurde sie Schiedsgerichtsverfahren, das Unterausschuß was deutlich macht, und mußte gemacht das soll zuerkennen John Zuccarini ein "umkehrt Domäne Entführen Entscheidung der."

Es war die gleichen Rechtsanwälte, die für die Warenzeichen Anwendung abgelegt haben, das dem Schiedsgerichtsverfahren Unterausschuß den Fall hat eingereicht. Daher haben sie sicher gewußt, daß ihre Warenzeichen Anwendung abgelehnt worden war.

Dies war eine klare schlechte Glaube Bemühung, eine Domäne zu haben, die von jemandem genommen wird, hat die Bedingung ein "kehrt Domäne Entführen um" Entscheidung zu haben heruntergereicht.

Der Schiedsgerichtsverfahren Unterausschuß hat gewußt, daß dies ein war "kehrt Domäne Entführen um" Fall.

Die Frage war, wie sie kann, zuerkennen ein "kehrt Domäne Entführen Entscheidung um" zu John Zuccarini und erscheinen nicht plötzlich zu sagen, er wirklich kein schlechter Bursche nach allen ist.

Was die Reaktion zu solcher einer Handlung durch den Unterausschuß wäre, John Zuccarini ein "zuerkennend kehrt Domäne Entführen um" Entscheidung würde nicht nur ihn in die Position des Werdens stellen "sofort wiederhergestellt," es wird in Substanz alles das er für in den letzten drei Jahren entkräftt ist kritisiert worden.

Daß Umstände wenn jede Domäne Namenregistrierung ist so besonder zu jedem Fall den ein Decke Urteil, Ein Domänen nicht registrieren kann die erscheinen, Existieren von Domänen ähnlich zu sein, unmöglich ist zu machen. Daß jeder Fall muß bewertet werden darauf eigen ist.

Zusätzlich Beauftragt diese Entscheidung, völlig die Argumente, werden gemacht die durch und gezwungen zu werden auf John versucht hat, durch Den Föderalen Handel lehnt ab.

Die Bewegung durch den Den Föderalen Handel Beauftragt gegen John, war sehr ähnlich in was sie zu erreichen, zu fast jeder Handlung haben gehofft, die von ihnen in den Vereinigten Staaten Gerichtshöfen genommen wird. Das werden einen Angeklagten mit der Ungeheuerlichkeit der Tatsache die sie verfolgt soll überwältigen, und werden durch Die Vereinigten Staaten Regierung belangt und, wenn das nicht genug ist, zu überzeugen, daß Sie sie nicht widerstehen, sie für gutes Maß werden vollständig Ihr Geschäft abschaltet und stellt eine Summe auf Ihrem Geschäft und persönlichen Vermögenswerten friert.

Dies geschieht gewöhnlich wörtlich übernacht-. Eines Tages haben Sie alles, den nächsten Tag Sie nichts.

Selbst wenn Sie kämpfen wollen, haben Sie keine Vermögenswerte, einen solchen Kampf zu fundieren.

Es gibt keinen Versuch, gibt es kein Verhör für Sie zu protestieren. Sie wachen einen Morgen auf und alles ist gegangen.

Das ist, wie der FTC bedient.

Schuldig von Tag Ein. Selbstverständlich können Sie Zugriff auf Ihre Vermögenswerte, alle, die Sie müssen machen ist zu übereinstimmt, alles Der Föderale Handel Wünsche haben Beauftragt die Sie, zu übereinzustimmen.

Der Föderale Handel Beauftragt bereit war zu lassen, daß John Zuccarini lebt sein Leben, alle, die er machen mußte, nie wieder übereinstimmen sollte, einen Domäne Namen zu registrieren, daß bedacht einem anderem ähnlich kann. Dies war Warenzeichen oder kein Warenzeichen. Ob Filme Com, Musik Com, Theater Com, oder irgendeine Domäne ist.

Die Handlung durch Föderalen Handel ist gewesen Beauftragt und still ist ein klarer Versuch, John seines ziviles und gesetzliches gerade in zu verweigern, wie er lebt, und leitet sein Geschäft.

Der Föderale Handel Beauftragt tätig mit privaten Rechtspersönlichkeiten in den Vereinigten Staaten, in einer illegalen Fortsetzung der Ablehnung von den zivilen und gesetzlichen Rechten von John zur Zeit ist engagiert.



If you are aware of the facts in this case, you will quickly see, the false statements knowingly made by the attorneys for the complainant call for a decision of "reverse domain hijacking" to have been found.

There is no doubt the arbitrators were aware of these circumstances, but were afraid to award John Zuccarini a "reverse domain hijacking" decision.

You will see below a link to the case filed by giftcertificates.com, and if you have read many complaints in the past, you will never see in one complaint the number of proclamations to "ownership of trademark" as you will see in this one.

This for a company that had no trademark for the domain name in question.

The response filed by Ari Goldberger left no opportunity for owners of giftcertificates.com to believe they had any chance of winning, as Ari raised a number of substantial issues concerning trademark law, in addition to documenting the chronology of the trademark application rejected by the government and declared dead.

The only question was how bad they would look when it was all done, and would the arbitration panel do what clearly needed to done and that is to award John Zuccarini a "reverse domain hijacking decision."

It was the same attorneys who filed for the trademark application, that submitted the case to the arbitration panel. Therefore they certainly knew their trademark application had been rejected.

This was a clear bad faith effort to have a domain taken from someone, the requirement to have a "reverse domain hijacking" decision handed down.

The arbitration panel knew this was a "reverse domain hijacking" case.

The question was, how can they award a "reverse domain hijacking decision" to John Zuccarini and not suddenly appear to be saying, he is really not a bad guy after all.

What would be the reaction to such a decision by the panel, awarding John Zuccarini a "reverse domain hijacking" decision would not only put him in the position of being "instantly rehabilitated," it would in essence invalidate everything he has been criticized for in the last three years.

That circumstances of each domain name registration are so particular to each case that a blanket judgment, one can not register domains that appear to be similar to existing domains is impossible to make. That each case must be evaluated on it's own.

In addition, this decision totally rejects the arguments made by and attempted to be forced on John, by The Federal Trade Commission.

The move by the The Federal Trade Commission against John, was very similar in what they hope to achieve, in almost every action taken by them in the United States Courts. That is to overwhelm a defendant with the enormity of the fact they are being pursued, and sued by The United States Government and if that is not enough to convince you not to resist them, they will for good measure completely shut down your business and put a total freeze on your business and personal assets.

This usually happens literally overnight. One day you have everything, the next day you have nothing.

Even if you want to fight, you have no assets to fund such a fight.

There is no trial, there is no hearing for you to protest. You wake up one morning and everything is gone.

That is how the FTC operates.

Guilty from day one. Of course you can have access to your assets, all you have to do is agree to, everything The Federal Trade Commission wants you to agree to.

The Federal Trade Commission was willing to let John Zuccarini live his life, all he had to do was to agree to never again register a domain name that could considered similar to another. This was trademark or no trademark. Whether is movies.com, music.com, theater.com, or any domain.

The action by Federal Trade Commission has been and still is an clear attempt, to deny John his civil and legal rights in how he lives and conducts his business.

The Federal Trade Commission has been and continues to be, at this time actively engaged through cooperation with private entities in the United States, in an illegal agreement to deny John his civil and legal rights.

http://strandanzug.de/zuccarini-vs- giftcertificates.html


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2002
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I strongly dislike John Zuccarini's tactic of "typosquatting" every site he can think of and redirecting it to annoying crap. However, in this particular case, he deservedly won; the complaint was bogus. The UDRP panel in this case went along with the USPTO in denying the right of anybody to claim trademark rights over "[Generic Word].[TLD]" for a site pertaining to the type of product or service described by the generic word, e.g., widgets.com for a site about widgets. The business community still seems to think that it can claim rights to generic words in this manner, but they have no basis in law for it.

the french thief

Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 4, 2003
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I have arrived here for this surprise...!!!

Is this John Zuccarini who is in the court buildings...??

In France he is known as "Les Grand Squatter", someone who helps the poor people who can not afford "Les Grand Domain"

In the French magazine, "Domain Revue" an article said his former attorney, howard neu was known to do "Les Grand Squatt" in the public view....

This was not considered a proper thing for the public view...!!!

And that he lived for 5 days in the jail for this offense...!!!

I believe 6 of the large photographies of the "Squatt" were provided to les authorities...!!

Le vôtre le plus avec bienveillance,

Pierre, the french thief


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2002
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Originally posted by the french thief
I have arrived here for this surprise...!!!

Is this John Zuccarini who is in the court buildings...??

In France he is known as "Les Grand Squatter", someone who helps the poor people who can not afford "Les Grand Domain"

In the French magazine, "Domain Revue" an article said his former attorney, howard neu was known to do "Les Grand Squatt" in the public view....

This was not considered a proper thing for the public view...!!!

And that he lived for 5 days in the jail for this offense...!!!

I believe 6 of the large photographies of the "Squatt" were provided to les authorities...!!

Le vôtre le plus avec bienveillance,

Pierre, the french thief

Yes, we KNOW! You posted this 6 times already. Please start taking this place seriously.

the french thief

Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 4, 2003
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les domains -

Do you take LSD, if so you should share it with others...!!!

This is the only time I post this message.....

Can you show the other messages....

Do you know Voltaire, the French Satirist, he pointed to the absurd... to learn..

I shall take nothing serious...Unless the serious is absurd...
Then I shall still not be serious...

I feel you may need hypnotist to imagine your truth...

"My mind is free for thought....do not have corruption......"
from Voltaire....1762

Pierre, the french thief


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2003
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Che è successo a tutta la cosa divertente....

Nessuno sa qualunque scherzi di toolie di howard neu .....!! :evil: :laugh: :evil: :santa: :party:

Parlo piuttosto circa il di howard neu di fornicato
avuta col diavolo. ..!!!! :evil: :evil: (bah)


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2002
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What is it about John Zuccarini cases that attract this profusion of foreign-language posts on this forum? I don't see the connection... Zuccarini seems to be an English-speaking American himself.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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"Zuccarini seems to be an English-speaking American himself."

I don't know... if you look at the domains he registers, his spelling is awful. <chuckle>


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2003
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Mr. Schules,

Are you this forum's connection to Mr. Zuccarini? In the Neu-Zuccarini feud thread, were you the one who alerted Zuccarini to Neu's antagonism?


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
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I don't know what they said about me, but it sounds sexy and exciting!!

the french thief

Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 4, 2003
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Vous l'attention h neu est..!!!!

Vous a fait perform "Le Grand Squatt" for the public view, avec le clown et
le mouton...!!!????

:evil:hneu + :clown: :clown: :clown: + (bah) (bah) (bah) = :cheeky:

Ceci Est Une Disgrâce....!!!!

Pierre, the french thief.......Dans La Révolte....!!!!


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Didn't know that they give awards for squatting. I do it every day in the can!!


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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The French Thief and pergiustizia are absolutly F'ing halarious.

Keep it up.

This is SO funny.

Maybe move it to the lounge though?

EDIT: I forgot Ya Swedish Girl!

So sorry.

Whats up with the latest surge of yahoos?

Are they really goinjg to try and sell some domains?

Anyways, this is halarious.
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