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Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 22, 2002
Reaction score
plus few questions,

1. why the stk post is gone? i didn't see anything wrong with his posts.

2. i got some new dns for sale or partnership, anyone interested?

thanks all and wish a nice week!

toysrsex.com, mysextoys.biz, ****allass.com, ****allpussy.com, webuyoil.com, webuylands.com, nastycheck.com, mustcard.com, amerrywedding.com, merrysign.com, merryhosting.com, denmarker.com, ticketsme.com, sexywant.com, mydomainforum.com, mydnforum.com, changsweb.com, changsnet.com, teensforum.org, GodADay.com


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 22, 2002
Reaction score
shame to say hi?

remember who said shame is shamed to sit on my brow?


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 22, 2002
Reaction score
kidkooool: hey joe
kidkooool: have a good weekend
Qpuzzle: how are u man
kidkooool: ok
kidkooool: get any oil domains?
Qpuzzle: ya buought few dns i like
kidkooool: i got oilseller.com
Qpuzzle: webuyoil.com haha
Qpuzzle: got oil?
kidkooool: i think that guy's story for 400k was bs
kidkooool: got one domain though just in case
Qpuzzle: i think its true
kidkooool: could be
kidkooool: but if it is true he is a fool
Qpuzzle: what else cool dns you got?
kidkooool: sexcolumnist.com
Qpuzzle: how about toysrsex.com?
kidkooool: goodsized.com
kidkooool: you can see most of mine here http://epropertybrokers.com
Qpuzzle: where is my merrysign.com?
kidkooool: want me to paypal you so you can get it
kidkooool: i should sell the news site today of tomorrow get a couple hundred
Qpuzzle: drugmerchant.com

Qpuzzle: cool one
kidkooool: yeah
kidkooool: got it from the drops
Qpuzzle: ask price?
kidkooool: i don't have ask prices i wait for the buyer to make an offer
Qpuzzle: whats on your mind for it?
kidkooool: don't know if i could get 2-3 hundred for it i'd be satisfied
Qpuzzle: dnf has someone post want such dn
kidkooool: some company is buying all the pharmacy names from everyone
Qpuzzle: so why 2,3 00 sold it for?
kidkooool: well hoping to get 5 hundred but i would settle for around 2. (just between you and me)
Qpuzzle: i will not afford dns more than ref
kidkooool: where is the post for someone wanting drug domains?
kidkooool: i can't find it
Qpuzzle: just think its too cheap for it
Qpuzzle: at dnf famersutical dn wanted or something
Qpuzzle: within a week i think
Qpuzzle: maybe at ***********
kidkooool: no don't see it anywhere
Qpuzzle: i am usre saw it not oo long ago
Qpuzzle: can you email this gyt for my 3 phinecard dns? http://dnforum.com/showthread.php?threadid=5302
Qpuzzle: ???
kidkooool: i found the thread with the guy posting for med names
Qpuzzle: where
kidkooool: http://dnforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6144
kidkooool: that other guy only wants phone cards with traffic
Qpuzzle: never mind
Qpuzzle: your drug name is better than the other i think
kidkooool: yeah its okay
kidkooool: boardgames.net expired today. i could get on the net earlier so someone else got it
Qpuzzle: got changsnet.com web.com
kidkooool: you got web.com?
Qpuzzle: 10 million changs in the world, changsweb
kidkooool: you should have got joesweb.com
kidkooool: http://jimworld.com is a big site
Qpuzzle: changs is the biggest family on earth
Qpuzzle: do you know why?
kidkooool: chinese
Qpuzzle: changs can ****
Qpuzzle: better gene
Qpuzzle: too
kidkooool: well where are all your children
Qpuzzle: i am the odd one you know
kidkooool: too much pot made you sterile
Qpuzzle: when i get enough $$$ will make changsnet for free internet access for changs people
Qpuzzle: that be cool
Qpuzzle: i like toysrsex.com
kidkooool: got a cool domain i'm waiting for the registration to go through
Qpuzzle: also got mysextoys.com, whats it
kidkooool: can't say until its mine
Qpuzzle: if you already ref it its yours
kidkooool: no, because i pay with paypal i have to wait
Qpuzzle: registerfly?
kidkooool: no http://speedydomainregistration.com
kidkooool: sometimes it goes through immediately
kidkooool: sometimes takes couple hours
Qpuzzle: ic
Qpuzzle: what field?
kidkooool: high tech
Qpuzzle: drops?
kidkooool: yeah. didn't drop today though
Qpuzzle: what do you mean? cool ones wont last for few hrs
kidkooool: no sometimes if it drops on sunday or something people just miss it
kidkooool: drugmerchant.com had dropped a week ago and nobody got it
Qpuzzle: cool, hope its a jackpot
Qpuzzle: i found a dn but no card, can you paypal me to [email protected]
kidkooool: sure
Qpuzzle: cool
kidkooool: your paypal work?
Qpuzzle: i go regfly right? try
kidkooool: joe payment sent
kidkooool: try http://speedydomainregistration.com they are winners
Qpuzzle: whay do yo umean?
kidkooool: reg fly doesn't accept paypal unless you email them
kidkooool: with http://speedydomainregistration.com it is in the form
Qpuzzle: ic got paypal, thx
kidkooool: no prob
kidkooool: no prob
Qpuzzle: so i go speedy?
kidkooool: yeah
kidkooool: i get all my domains through them
Qpuzzle: cool
Qpuzzle: amusegirls.com anycool?
kidkooool: girls.com
Qpuzzle: no bs man
kidkooool: hotgirls.com
Qpuzzle: ur fool of it
kidkooool: cute girls
kidkooool: cutegirls.com
kidkooool: well what did you get
Qpuzzle: get what?
kidkooool: domain
Qpuzzle: no can login
kidkooool: huh?
kidkooool: joe you have to set up an account there first
kidkooool: http://www.speedydomainregistration...upiMTyZ8cdJbJ8wZoDr5BhjS0HyjeR7K&r=1032839802
Qpuzzle: i know, i got email and use the info login, but cant
kidkooool: strange
Qpuzzle: https://www.dependablewebhost.com/login.php

changjoe, haha111, you try
kidkooool: yeah i got in
Qpuzzle: i cant, must be my pc have not virtual machine, i cant use godaddy either to reg
kidkooool: no idea
kidkooool: try nicgrab.com
Qpuzzle: ok
Qpuzzle: This transaction exceeds your remaining sending limit. Please complete your Membership by entering your Member Number. You will then be allowed to send more money.

Qpuzzle: can you paypal me the rest?
kidkooool: i don't have anymore. what do you mean
Qpuzzle: if cant dontworry, i get tomorrow
kidkooool: just use a cheaper registrar
Qpuzzle: you own me two dns right?
kidkooool: only one now
Qpuzzle: where? i got 9,99in account, cant do shit
Qpuzzle: they charge 1.95 for transction
Qpuzzle: dont worry man
Qpuzzle: got your cool one?
kidkooool: godaddy domains you regged for me were 8.95 each
kidkooool: try powerpipe.com
Qpuzzle: no, too much work, tomorrow i go my friend give him cash
Qpuzzle: whats ur new dn?
kidkooool: thought you had a card now
kidkooool: don't have it yet
Qpuzzle: use it bought 25 and five back my bro
kidkooool: you bought 25 domains?
Qpuzzle: ya
kidkooool: jesus
kidkooool: calm down
Qpuzzle: what?
kidkooool: shouldnt buy so many
Qpuzzle: dns gets better as time goes
kidkooool: not yours
kidkooool: you'd be better off spend money advertising for phone card site
Qpuzzle: haha
kidkooool: i see you got back on dnforum
kidkooool: yahoohaha
Qpuzzle: ya
Qpuzzle: why they deleted stk post?
kidkooool: i'd recognize "webuylands.com" anywhere
kidkooool: don't know. i was gone over the weekend and couldn't finish reading it
Qpuzzle: todd never ppost anything wrong, some poeple there really sucks
kidkooool: there's a few people i really don't like
Qpuzzle: me too, so i got mydomainforum and mydnforum
kidkooool: what?
kidkooool: why didn't you think of a better name
Qpuzzle: ya, teensforum.org
Qpuzzle: tell you what i feel, i got you 2 dns and you made $$$, you should get me 2 dns
Qpuzzle: what you did take so long paypal me mot enough for one dn, that sucks
Qpuzzle: remember i alwats tell you $$$ is evil?
Qpuzzle: it is, and you are even better than most people i met
Qpuzzle: all my us friends take advantage of me, all, no one not
Qpuzzle: maybe the culture you know
Qpuzzle: ???
Qpuzzle: dont feel bad, you are better than most people i know and i know a lot
Qpuzzle: i paypal the $$$ back to you, whats your laypal email? i have no use anywats, why waste it?
Qpuzzle: [email protected]

kidkooool: ya that's it
kidkooool: sorry for delay. i went to wendy's
Qpuzzle: cool, on the way, hope you can get another cool ones, man no hard feelings
kidkooool: who tries to take advantage of you? seems like you got good street smarts
kidkooool: probably learned a lot in las vegas
Qpuzzle: Limit: $0.00

Qpuzzle: why is that? you just send me 9.99?
Qpuzzle: i am not street smart, i always give $$$ to homeless people
kidkooool: joe you need to reestablish your paypal account with a new card
Qpuzzle: never turn down anyone on the street ask for few $$$ for food or a bottle
Qpuzzle: never when i got $$$ on me
Qpuzzle: paypal sucks, my account got 9.40 and cant use it
Qpuzzle: so how much cost you get a dn by paypal?
kidkooool: your account needs to be validated
kidkooool: 9.75
Qpuzzle: i cant do it, need card and bank account, i dont have both
Qpuzzle: Balance: $9.40

Qpuzzle: email says 9.99
kidkooool: joe they deduct because you have a business account
Qpuzzle: Amount: $9.99

kidkooool: same thing for me
kidkooool: try sending me back 9.40 see what happens
kidkooool: if it works i'll reg a domain for you on my own
Qpuzzle: cant, it says banlance 0
Qpuzzle: wait is says 9.40 now
kidkooool: try sending me 9.40 if it doesn your account works
Qpuzzle: Limit: $0.00 when i click send $$$

kidkooool: you need to reestablish your account
Qpuzzle: this could be a good listen for dnf people aware of paypal
Qpuzzle: paypal really sucks, i got 9.40 in the account but cant use it right?
kidkooool: joe if you don't have a card listed with the account it won't work
kidkooool: you have no account
kidkooool: you must reactivate it
Qpuzzle: not waste time for paypal anymore, did you got the new dn yet?
kidkooool: no
Qpuzzle: feel save to tell me the dn now?
Qpuzzle: checken
Qpuzzle: i am going to post this if you dont tell me the dn
kidkooool: joe just wait
kidkooool: i'll tell you when i get it
Qpuzzle: why man?
kidkooool: you'll be the first to know
kidkooool: because someone can still reg it
Qpuzzle: not me
Qpuzzle: and i will talk to none
Qpuzzle: ameretech.com?
kidkooool: haha no
Qpuzzle: hahahahahaha
kidkooool: joe you could never guess it
Qpuzzle: that's why it intrugings me
Qpuzzle: got mail?
Qpuzzle: last chance, tell me the dn or not talk to me any more
kidkooool: hold on joe. i'm reading your mail
Qpuzzle: plus this will be on dkboard by daylight
kidkooool: that's not polite
kidkooool: i never posted any of your ims
Qpuzzle: 30 second is all you got
Qpuzzle: you are not worth my friendship i think
kidkooool: so what did that guy want?
Qpuzzle: the dn?
kidkooool: he wants to buy the rights to your puzzle?
kidkooool: qpuzzle? he wants
Qpuzzle: good bye


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2002
Reaction score
HuH? This is one of the reasons why joe was banned. Meaningless threads/posts.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Oh my my, is this Joe, he is not an average joe this is sure
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