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LawPsych.... another "NamePopper" Mystery???

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Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 9, 2003
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I sincerely hope we do not have another "NamePopper" style mystery on our hands!

Does anyone know what happened to DNF member LawPsych (Shelia)? She was a very active and popular member who (just like NP) has..... disappeared!

Her last post was NOVEMBER 11th, 2003! I looked at the last few of her posts. No goodbyes, no reasons, no hint she might be leaving!

So..... let's see...... she arrived AFTER NamePopper disappeared :huh: ......... then suddenly she disappeared...... :huh: so I'm wondering :huh: ..... NAH! COULDN'T BE!

Any information would be appreciated!


Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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If I remember, like Namepopper, "she" had problems - wasn't it problems with husband or something and losing her possessions - something like that. So in theory "she" could be in a sheltered housing complex without a computer - on the other hand "she" could be one of the phantom members past, present and future, who for some reason best known to themselves need some recognition that they may lack in real life and so come here under a false identity.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 13, 2003
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Her and her kitty always made me want to buy a domain. Those multiple personalities will always cause problems with each other. Mabey they're locked up?


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 9, 2003
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JoltHost said:
Her and her kitty always made me want to buy a domain. Those multiple personalities will always cause problems with each other. Mabey they're locked up?
LOL! Maybe her kitty Tucker was the real personality, and Shelia was the persona?

According to her profile, she is a fully licensed Clinical Psychologist! That's usually a Master's level program with a one or two year internship attached!


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 13, 2003
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Clinical is the keyword. Every person in that field that I have ever met mainly got into it to figure out their own problems.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 9, 2003
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JoltHost said:
Clinical is the keyword. Every person in that field that I have ever met mainly got into it to figure out their own problems.
Please be nice. Shelia was always pleasant and courteous, as well as fun and entertaining! I never observed her have an unkind word to say to anyone on this forum. That's more than I can say for myself and a few others I can think of.

If indeed she has left DNF for good, well.... I for one miss her! Yeah, sometimes her kitty persona was a little silly, but it was fun too. I was just about to start an Animated Avatar for her, and she was on the verge of buying a domain I caught for her- NameKitty.com!

Having a little color is never a bad thing!



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 13, 2003
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Not trying to offend anyone other than those I have ever met that studied in that profession whom did it to figure out their own problems. :)

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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Originally by WebCat
I was just about to start an Animated Avatar for her, and she was on the verge of buying a domain I caught for her

You don't think .... no surely not ... :cheeky:


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 9, 2003
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I would just like to know what happened to her. She may not have had the impact that NamePopper had, but she was still a nice person.

I wonder... does the forum Email function work? Perhaps I will try emailing her via the board, and see what's up.



DNF Regular
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Aug 15, 2002
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WebCat said:
I would just like to know what happened to her. She may not have had the impact that NamePopper had, but she was still a nice person.

I wonder... does the forum Email function work? Perhaps I will try emailing her via the board, and see what's up.


Hey, guys!!! Nope, I'm not a mystery, I'm not a phantom, I certainly don't need the "recognition" of being a regular member in this forum, and I'm not anyone but who I have always been ... Sheila, a licensed psychologist, and unfortunately, as sane as anyone else, particularly around here! I'm back online now, and very glad to be here.

For those of you who still have a sense of humor, be on the lookout for a new site that will be up in the next week ... AmericatIdol.com. If you don't like Tucker and don't like cats, you should probably stay away, but for those of you who DO like these wonderful critters, please join in the FUN, 'cause we're going to have a lot of fun. With a little bit of luck, we may just be able to make a little money (actually, we may be able to make quite a BIT of money!!), as well, so if any of you are interested in working on this site with me, just let me know. I am a firm believer in sharing the wealth, should it materialize.

I'll be happy to tell ANY of my friends why I've been offline for so long, but I won't bore the rest of you with the story. Trust me, it has NOT been any fun at all. Just to give you a "sense" of what it's been like, my husband was in an accident in which he was hit from behind by an 18-wheeler going 50 miles per hour after his car died on the way to a murder trial in which he was the defense attorney. Lest some of you believe that this is some sort of hallucination, feel free to check the Greeley (Colorado) Tribune's front page for the first week in December, 2003.

Fortunately, Bill is fine ... as fine as anyone could be, given the circumstances. He spent about a week in intensive care in a hospital in Weld County, and I couldn't even get there to see him. The car he was driving didn't have much structural integrity, but my Lexmark color laser printer was lodged in the back seat, because we had just moved into a bigger apartment than the one we were in previously. The printer was located behind the driver's seat, and I'm sure that the printer's strength is what saved him. I was scheduled to go to the trial with Bill that day to assist in the presentation of evidence to the jury, but fortunately, I was unable to go. Had I been in the car, I would not have been able to be writing to you now, at least I don't believe that I would have been. I don't know if there are computers in Heaven, but I doubt that if they are there they have ANY connection with the domain name business.

Thanks to those of you who were worried about me and who had the sense and the dignity to think kindly of me. I have never knowingly said or done anything to intentionally hurt ANYONE here or anywhere else. To those of you who thought otherwise, I'm sorry to have to burst your bubble. I really AM who I say I am and always will be. And I hate to tell you that I'm also not a multiple personality-ridden person, although I have successfully treated some who had as many as 24 different personalities. Just imagine what it's like when you are conducting couples' therapy with TWO individuals who have that diagnosis ... it's like conducting group therapy, and believe me, the therapist has to be totally sane and in touch with reality to be able to help people in that that state.

Love to you all, (Especially dat Web Cat!!)

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Welcome back, Sheila. :)


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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WebCat said:
Please be nice. Shelia was always pleasant and courteous, as well as fun and entertaining! I never observed her have an unkind word to say to anyone on this forum. That's more than I can say for myself and a few others I can think of.

If indeed she has left DNF for good, well.... I for one miss her! Yeah, sometimes her kitty persona was a little silly, but it was fun too. I was just about to start an Animated Avatar for her, and she was on the verge of buying a domain I caught for her- NameKitty.com!

Having a little color is never a bad thing!



DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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WebCat said:
I was just about to start an Animated Avatar for her, and she was on the verge of buying a domain I caught for her- NameKitty.com!


Hey, WebCat ... I just reread your message. Just to refresh your memory, I wasn't on the VERGE of buying NameKitty.com from you, I DID buy it from you. Take a look at your PayPal account ... I just never had a chance to change the ownership information before I was unable to get online at all!!!

If my memory is inaccurate, please let me know, my friend. And get ready to work on that animated gif for me ... remember, that avatar was "payment" for another domain you bought from ME!!

Love ya, big dude,
Sheila :blush:


DNF Regular
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Aug 15, 2002
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nameslave said:
Welcome back, Sheila. :)

Thanks, Nameslave ... it's nice to be back!! :party:


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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Hey, guys!!! Nope, I'm not a mystery, I'm not a phantom, I certainly don't need the "recognition" of being a regular member in this forum, and I'm not anyone but who I have always been ... Sheila, a licensed psychologist, and unfortunately, as sane as anyone else, particularly around here! I'm back online now, and very glad to be here.

For those of you who still have a sense of humor, be on the lookout for a new site that will be up in the next week ... AmericatIdol.com. If you don't like Tucker and don't like cats, you should probably stay away, but for those of you who DO like these wonderful critters, please join in the FUN, 'cause we're going to have a lot of fun. With a little bit of luck, we may just be able to make a little money (actually, we may be able to make quite a BIT of money!!), as well, so if any of you are interested in working on this site with me, just let me know. I am a firm believer in sharing the wealth, should it materialize.

I'll be happy to tell ANY of my friends why I've been offline for so long, but I won't bore the rest of you with the story. Trust me, it has NOT been any fun at all. Just to give you a "sense" of what it's been like, my husband was in an accident in which he was hit from behind by an 18-wheeler going 50 miles per hour after his car died on the way to a murder trial in which he was the defense attorney. Lest some of you believe that this is some sort of hallucination, feel free to check the Greeley (Colorado) Tribune's front page for the first week in December, 2003.

Fortunately, Bill is fine ... as fine as anyone could be, given the circumstances. He spent about a week in intensive care in a hospital in Weld County, and I couldn't even get there to see him. The car he was driving didn't have much structural integrity, but my Lexmark color laser printer was lodged in the back seat, because we had just moved into a bigger apartment than the one we were in previously. The printer was located behind the driver's seat, and I'm sure that the printer's strength is what saved him. I was scheduled to go to the trial with Bill that day to assist in the presentation of evidence to the jury, but fortunately, I was unable to go. Had I been in the car, I would not have been able to be writing to you now, at least I don't believe that I would have been. I don't know if there are computers in Heaven, but I doubt that if they are there they have ANY connection with the domain name business.

Thanks to those of you who were worried about me and who had the sense and the dignity to think kindly of me. I have never knowingly said or done anything to intentionally hurt ANYONE here or anywhere else. To those of you who thought otherwise, I'm sorry to have to burst your bubble. I really AM who I say I am and always will be. And I hate to tell you that I'm also not a multiple personality-ridden person, although I have successfully treated some who had as many as 24 different personalities. Just imagine what it's like when you are conducting couples' therapy with TWO individuals who have that diagnosis ... it's like conducting group therapy, and believe me, the therapist has to be totally sane and in touch with reality to be able to help people in that that state.

Love to you all, (Especially dat Web Cat!!)

VERY nice to see you online again!
Hopefully we can chat next time you pop on ICQ :)


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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Dear Steen!

Hello, my dear friend. I'd LOVE to chat with you on ICQ soon. I have to go out of state to work on a multi-jurisdictional child custody case (I'm leaving here in about 4 hours to get to the airport on time), but I'll be back in about two days or so. Perhaps we can chat sometime next week when I get back, okay?

I've always enjoyed our chats and sharing of information/ideas/etc., and I missed you and many of my other really dear friends when I was offline. It was SO frustrating not to be able to even get online and THEN, when I FINALLY did get online, not one, not two, but all three of my computers systematically blew themselves up in less than a two hour period. I now have a new semi-super duper computer with an Athalon processor that flies along at over 5 times the speed of my last "super-computer." Its speed is such that it has 3 separate fans as part of its cooling system, which gives me some consolation, since having the fan die on my primary computer was what caused the entire system to die.

Unfortunately, I'm "low" on RAM right now, with only 512 MB of that for the next week or so, but the problem will be solved nicely when I get a few payments in from clients. I need at least 2 GB of Ram for the stuff I'm working on. I'm also going to be upgrading my brand-new video card to one that does major graphics stuff and also so that I can have an "S-type" outlet from that card that will permit me to plug my computer into my new DVD burner (I really DO love toys, and it's been very hard to be on a strict budget)!! By the way, i've never had a gold tower with flashing neon-style lights on the front and sides of the computer that make it look like a juke box, but I couldn't resist it when my buddies at Action Computers showed me what they had already built into it and I just added some more goodies, with a very soon to be completed "wish list" that will be filled in the next 2 weeks.

Anyhow, my friend, I have to run, but I really look forward to talking to you soon! I'm glad that I stumbled across this thread, because I just had a funny feeling that something strange was going on that I didn't know about. After I read this thread AND picked myself up off the floor after falling off my chair from laughing so hard to think that I was beginning to appear to be a part of the "mystery," I understood why things seemed just a tad weird regarding my return.

Talk to you soon!!

Warmest thoughts and wishes,

PS If you have any interest in the AmericatIdol project, just let me know. It's going to be a REAL hoot!


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 9, 2003
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Mean and ferocious LargeCats are much happier when their smaller, sweeter cousins are around!

Welcome back Shelia, and I am sooooooooo sorry about what happened to your hubby! I hope and pray all is well with him and with you, and it's really nice to see you back here again! I just knew you weren't the kind of person to drop out and just disappear!

I'll send you a PM about namekitty, your avatar, and AmericatIdol. For now, I'm just glad you are ok! :)

Best Wishes,


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2003
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Very glad to see you back Shelia!! :)

Sorry to hear about your hubby & I hope he is recovering well! :)


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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cyphix said:
Very glad to see you back Shelia!! :)

Sorry to hear about your hubby & I hope he is recovering well! :)

Dear Cyphix,

Thanks so much for the very warm re-welcome!! I'm delighted to be back, and I know that Bill appreciates your good wishes, as well.

Tucker, Dawson, and Lexie (dat stupid girl kitty) also thank you and hope that you and others will join in and visit their new endeavor soon. Tucker is proud to let you know that he's been accepted into the Orange Tabby Boyz Club as its newest "Prestigious Member." Dawson also wants you to know that he's been invited to join the "Fat is Fun" club for moderately plump to outright obese cats and hopes that he'll be gaining a lot of special weight points by being an active member of "dat group." With his current starting weight of somewhere between 21 and 24 pounds, he's got a good running (waddling?) start, even if he does absolutely nothing.

These three little critters have been hard at work developing Tucker's AmericatIdol site and promise that it will be lots of fun for everyone who visits. They were VERY depressed about being offline for so long and are really glad to be back. Thanks again for making us all feel very welcome again.

Warmest regards,
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