Nice pickup. The .org extension lends itself well to this name. See strong potential for sales to a legal aid organization. There are several such charitable/free organizations as well as pay per session.
Looks like you have the chance to build something reputable and worthwhile for legal outreach. If you're curious about other "legal" names, feel free to PM me. Yours are excellent!
Well if it makes you feel any better, this domain name is currently in a UDRP. A member of this forum decided to file a complaint against me, thinking he can prevent individuals from using the "legaladvice" term in their domain names.
Thank you guys. Complainant previously mentioned he would be taking this to federal court so I will keep every one updated. Hopefully Adam bans him from DNF
Thank you guys. Complainant previously mentioned he would be taking this to federal court so I will keep every one updated. Hopefully Adam bans him from DNF