A few guidelines that I observe when I invest in the LLLL .com namespace:
1. Old domains - the older, the better - e.g. registered in the 1990's
2. Good letters or pronounceable (but not in Klingon)
3. Google results or acronyms of existing companies or phrases
4. Other TLD's taken
In other words, I won't register xjdq.com just because it's available or because it's on sale for $30.
it looks like that way , i think its going down while for the 4letternoob guide the name shows he is a noob , but main thing is because the 4Letter noob owns loads of 4L .coms thats why
filter said:I'm still holding onto over a dozen of the "dregs" from the Nov 2nd buyout - I'll probably be more inclined to let a few go (if/)when the going rate for "line noise" LLLL.com gets closer to $50 than $15 - guessing that could take another 3 to 6 months (if it happens at all). Doesn't seem worth the trouble to make a sale to take just a few $$ profit at this point, giving up possibly significant gains yet to come ...
I think it's going to be an interesting few months as different price points are reached, maybe giving pause to potential buyers / encouraging potential sellers to take some profits already "while they still can" .... and then the next turn of the cycle begins, with those who were buying now the potential sellers waiting for a new price point to make it worth their while .... Meanwhile a few LLLL.com at all "quality levels" actually are picked up by end users and are no longer in the reseller market - though the money paid for them will quite possibly be re-invested to make more pickups from the remaining pool available. (That's my glibly optimistic scenario for prices doubling a few times over the next several months. Any number of ways that this could unfold much differently and less pleasantly, but somehow I'm less inclined to give much serious thought to how things could go wrong with the "cycle of prices ratcheting up" scenario ... go figure. Well, will be interesting to see how it plays out either way!)
Yeah ... and meant to say "by the end of 2008" rather than "2009" ... so even quite a bit more optimistic by a year there.That's a pretty big statement...the worst LLLL.com going from high $xx to $2xx-$3xx, which is the going rate for the worst CCC.com combination. You seem very optomistic to say the least.
Yeah ... and meant to say "by the end of 2008" rather than "2009" ... so even quite a bit more optimistic by a year there.
Another way you could look at it is that price for QVXZ.com (etc) might soon converge toward at least 1/30 of the price of QVX.com ...
But as far as "domainer tokens" go, I like to compare the "worst 45,000" LLLL.com (the last to go, regged between April and November 2007) with the 46,656 CCC.com - which have maybe similar prospects for finding end users, but have been consistently traded between domainers at low $xxx prices for some time now.
How many people predicted $xxx prices for CCC.com, by the way?
Me too. Yet we now have a LLLLL.com/net registrant base. How nuts is that unless it's a meaningful name?That's exactly what I am thinking.
yes, I am comparing apples to oranges.DomainName said:You're comparing apples to oranges filter...All 47k different CCC combinations are not selling for low $xxx ie: le1, which just sold for over $1k. You might want to compare to worst ccc to the worse LLLL to support your statement.
Me too. Yet we now have a LLLLL.com/net registrant base. How nuts is that unless it's a meaningful name?
Anyone want a LLLLLL or NNNNNN .com/.net list to offer up to whois - PM me - $1000.
PayPal received - list on its way. Thanks!PM Sent... :smilewinkgrin:
You also have to remember that there are no set prices for any domain name... Its only what people are willing to pay... zqvx could have a made up minimum reseller value of $50... but if noone is willing to pay that, then prices will drop. The domain names that have actual potential, arnt filled with crap letters... Just because its 4 letters, it doesnt mean its going to continue raising in value, let alone keep its value.
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