I made my first bid for a domain on SEDO and they said the person has like 7 days to reply back and the contract is binding..ok fine..so far 3 days (almost 4) have past and nothing. it is owned by some Korean company...they apparently own a wack of domains cuz I have seen them around before...but if my luck should happen and no reply is sent back to me...I heard of deadbeat buyers..how often is it the case the other way around?
I made my first bid for a domain on SEDO and they said the person has like 7 days to reply back and the contract is binding..ok fine..so far 3 days (almost 4) have past and nothing. it is owned by some Korean company...they apparently own a wack of domains cuz I have seen them around before...but if my luck should happen and no reply is sent back to me...I heard of deadbeat buyers..how often is it the case the other way around?