A terrific post below (Thank you NURCA) on 8/14 inspired me to try to sell some of my names to end-users.
The plan is outlined in his post and quite simple: Google the domain name/subject, find the companies who might want the name & email them.
I started with these 10 names below & sent out approx. 40 emails total. Way too few but I did get one sale (for $299). It's a numbers game.
You have to work with what you've got. In my case, they are not great names - all are just recent hand regs and are .net & .org (fyi - most of these names, when posted, garnered zero response in the appraisal section here). AdvertizeOnline.net, AnimatedGraphics.org, AutomobileRepairs.org, BusDriving.net, CareerPrograms.org, ConferenceRecording.org, ConstructionPlanning.org, CriminalDefenseFirm.net, EngineeringService.org, FlowersInBloom.org
I registered these names so I guess it's either develop them, just hold on to them, let them lapse or get off my butt, get out there & try to sell them. I believe in my names (don't we all) & I know there is someone, somewhere, that would like each one of these.
My one sale has further inspired me & I have a new list to try to sell (same type of names). Next week's list includes helicoptercharters.org, newlighting.org, recordingservices.org, studiomixers.net, trashservice.org & vintageairplanes.org.
All are new hand regs. Certainly nothing great but I believe products I can offer.
I thought my experience would be interesting to some here and I also wanted others with maybe so so names like mine (that some people think have no value) to not give up.
Hey, thank you for reading.
FYI - Samples of my sales emails (I'm sure you can do better):
Subject: <DomainName> is Now Available
I am the owner of the domain name <DomainName) and have recently decided to put it up for sale. I have already received some inquires.
A number of people looking for you, in need of <DomainName> services or are interested in this subject simply type this name into the URL bar directly, foregoing the search engines all together.
I thought you would want to know that <DomainName> is now available. Please feel free to email me an offer at <[email protected]> or ask any questions. And fyi - the name transfer would be seamless & quick.
Thank you,
<Phone number>
OR perhaps something like:
The domain name <DomainName.com> is now available for only $XX9 (US). The name receives natural type-in traffic from those interested in <Subject> so it makes sense that you should own the name. You could then, of course, redirect the traffic to your own site if you wished.
Transfer would be fast & smooth. Let me know if you want it and I'll unlock the name & supply you the authinfo code. As I'm sure you know, you simply supply that info to your registrar and complete transfer takes about 3-5 days. Payment to me would be via secure PayPal.com - my account is this address: YourEmailAddy.net
Internet addresses are like property, valuable pieces of real estate and I believe a storefront like <DomainName.com> will retail in the $xx,xxx range in just a few years. $XX9 is a very low price and I thought you might be interested.
Thank you.
The plan is outlined in his post and quite simple: Google the domain name/subject, find the companies who might want the name & email them.
I started with these 10 names below & sent out approx. 40 emails total. Way too few but I did get one sale (for $299). It's a numbers game.
You have to work with what you've got. In my case, they are not great names - all are just recent hand regs and are .net & .org (fyi - most of these names, when posted, garnered zero response in the appraisal section here). AdvertizeOnline.net, AnimatedGraphics.org, AutomobileRepairs.org, BusDriving.net, CareerPrograms.org, ConferenceRecording.org, ConstructionPlanning.org, CriminalDefenseFirm.net, EngineeringService.org, FlowersInBloom.org
I registered these names so I guess it's either develop them, just hold on to them, let them lapse or get off my butt, get out there & try to sell them. I believe in my names (don't we all) & I know there is someone, somewhere, that would like each one of these.
My one sale has further inspired me & I have a new list to try to sell (same type of names). Next week's list includes helicoptercharters.org, newlighting.org, recordingservices.org, studiomixers.net, trashservice.org & vintageairplanes.org.
All are new hand regs. Certainly nothing great but I believe products I can offer.
I thought my experience would be interesting to some here and I also wanted others with maybe so so names like mine (that some people think have no value) to not give up.
Hey, thank you for reading.
FYI - Samples of my sales emails (I'm sure you can do better):
Subject: <DomainName> is Now Available
I am the owner of the domain name <DomainName) and have recently decided to put it up for sale. I have already received some inquires.
A number of people looking for you, in need of <DomainName> services or are interested in this subject simply type this name into the URL bar directly, foregoing the search engines all together.
I thought you would want to know that <DomainName> is now available. Please feel free to email me an offer at <[email protected]> or ask any questions. And fyi - the name transfer would be seamless & quick.
Thank you,
<Phone number>
OR perhaps something like:
The domain name <DomainName.com> is now available for only $XX9 (US). The name receives natural type-in traffic from those interested in <Subject> so it makes sense that you should own the name. You could then, of course, redirect the traffic to your own site if you wished.
Transfer would be fast & smooth. Let me know if you want it and I'll unlock the name & supply you the authinfo code. As I'm sure you know, you simply supply that info to your registrar and complete transfer takes about 3-5 days. Payment to me would be via secure PayPal.com - my account is this address: YourEmailAddy.net
Internet addresses are like property, valuable pieces of real estate and I believe a storefront like <DomainName.com> will retail in the $xx,xxx range in just a few years. $XX9 is a very low price and I thought you might be interested.
Thank you.
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