These sales are not impressive.
You would think rent and loan would be the highest on this list ...but in fact..they fetched very low. This shows you that the reseller market for .me's are weak.
I disagree. Look at the sentence construction of those phrases.
People are not usually rented, objects are.
The phrase "rent me" is being spoken from the point of view of the object or thing being rented. This is not intuitive, though "rent me" does make a complete thought.
The same can be said about this domain.
People are not the ones being loaned out.
People are the ones asking for loans.
In that respect, "loan me" is actually an incomplete thought.
One could say "loan me some cash" or "loan me your car" but "loan me" by itself is not complete.
Now take the domain name ""
This is an excellent domain name.
It's a popular, short, easy to remember, highly-searched word.
The phrase "date me" is a complete sentence.
There is a subject and a verb.
It's also a suggestion, or even a command.
You are suggesting (or telling) someone to date you.
The word "date" also multiplies the personal nature of .me, making the selling price of $70,000 a steal.