Ok. I think it could be marketable, but it would need to be somehwhat developed, not just godaddy page holder. Looking at google keyword tool, there are not many direct searches for it. However, there are a lot of searches for "Miami Personal injury" and Miami Personal Injury Attorney." If a website is seo'd for those terms the "dade" won't be an issue. I have not had much luck with domains with "dade" in them. If you bundle with a twitter account, facebook page, etc. could make it more valuable, create a turn key package for a PI attorney to buy at a higher price. If you are selling to one of your collegues probably $500-1k without doing anything. You could get substantially more if you build it out and bundle it. You could also decide to build it out as lead gen site and get referrals out of it and make a lot more money, as long as you can "participate" in the cases the website generates referrals for. Just my two cents, hope it is helpful.