if you buy a name for $50 and add 3yrs renewal fee @ $10 per, that's $80
takes a few seconds to list on sedo and wait.
so, no hrs of effort, nor did i waste any part of my life doing that.
I wasn't talking about your sale. You may have listed it on Sedo and done nothing else, but the OP who listed names here, by definition, will have a few hours into this. He thought about starting a thread, then started the thread, then checked in and responded to thread. If he is an attorney, he would have been MUCH MUCH MUCH better off doing law work instead. So, he cost himself a few hundred per hour in legal billings by spending time on a name that has a very low chance of ever getting sold for those few hours he put into it.
And that is assuming that he never spends another waking moment thinking about the names. Those minutes and hours add up, even listing names at Sedo, negotiating with buyers, and everything else. It all adds up. Domainers in general (not you), do not properly account for their true returns.
It is similar to someone going on a stock message board after buying 1K worth of stock. This person might make daily posts for 6 months on that board, then finally sell their stock, if they are lucky, for a profit. Let's say they are extremely fortunate and sell their stock for $1.5K. Did they really make $500, since they spend every day talking about the stock for 6 months, for hours on end?
So, we have a buyer now who will pay $50, and that is at most 5 percent of the similar Chicago name sale, which has to be X,XXX. So, the only true money bid right now is at most, 5 percent of that sale, and likely less. And that means it cannot be relevant as to the true value today.
If you spin the wheel on roulette you have about a 3 percent chance of getting the maximum payoff of 30-1 or so. The value of each spin is not the best case scenario, but approximately 3 percent of that. And that is without factoring in time and effort.