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.mobi domains?

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Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Hey gang,

I just saw this article on the Wall Street Journal and thought I would share.

New Domain Name -- .Mobi -- Could Spur Wireless Web
May 23, 2006


For now, registration for dot-mobi Web sites is open only to members of wireless industry trade associations, which include wireless carriers, handset manufacturers and media companies, including Yahoo Inc., that want to make money from providing content to the wireless Web.

Companies with trademark-validated names will be able to register in June for 70 days to avoid "cyber-squatters" registering well-known names. Registration will be open to generic names in September.

Does anyone have any thoughts? One thing I'd like to know is what service will be the best one to use to register these new .mobi domains?

Domain Days 2024


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 7, 2004
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I think the new domains are a waste of time and money. It's not like they will be any easier to access than the .com version of the site with WAP compatible pages. I think it's just another ploy to get every .com owner to buy yet another extension to protect their TM. Foolish business if you ask me.

My 2 cents.


DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 25, 2005
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NamesBeyond.com is offering registrations in .mobi - it's in a trademark protection period now, but landrush starts in late August.

Sinfully Wicked

SEO Specialist
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Another pointless extention. So what will happen when .tel is available? will the .mobi become redundant? I seriously think .mobi is a waste of time and peoples money, but thats my opinion.

Thank you



DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 13, 2004
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.Tel and .Mobi are intended for two separate purposes in the wireless world:

.Tel = wireless contact / phone directory (like AIM) - Amanda312.tel
.Mobi = wireless formatted websites

Will either take off? That's tough to say, the other new TLDs surely haven't in my opinion, still it will be interesting to see.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 22, 2004
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I used to be opposed to all these new extensions but now I welcome them with open arms. Why the change. I think the world is a big enough place to accomodate every conceivable tld. I really believe that too be true. I think in the future we will see better use of the domain name + tld. Like for example, who.is... I like that, I think more people will use that and the same goes for mobi & tel. Besides, suppose no one uses them, well, then they can sit there. It doesn't cause any harm to anyone. Yes, I still think we should guard the root and not create foolish tld's but in the end I think they will all find a place even if it's obscureland. LOL. The worst tld in my opinion is .ug, I mean what in the world is a .ug. Yeah, yeah I know it's a country code but it's just an ugly country code so I don't think we'll see allot of use from that one, so through in a .mobi, I like it better than .ug. LOL... Cheers.


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 23, 2003
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NameYourself said:
.Tel and .Mobi are intended for two separate purposes in the wireless world:

.Tel = wireless contact / phone directory (like AIM) - Amanda312.tel
.Mobi = wireless formatted websites

Will either take off? That's tough to say, the other new TLDs surely haven't in my opinion, still it will be interesting to see.

Tough indeed.

Here is some information taken directly from the .mobi website. http://pc.mtld.mobi/switched/reg_compliancepolicy.html. The intiative is well-intentioned, to get mobile websites to deliver content properly formatted for cellphones, but their compliance/policing methods may prove to be too onerous not only for registrants, but for registrars as well. The registrars are being called on to "police" their .mobi customers well in excess of simply notifying them of pending renewals.

Notification to Registrars

The contract for the use of a .mobi domain is between the registrar and the registrant, hence any communication to the registrant about the compliance status of their domain must initially come via the registrar. mTLD will inform each registrar on a regular basis about any domains associated with them that are not in compliance with the mandatory rules, via a special report made available to them. The frequency of this report has yet to be determined. mTLD will only step in at the third and final stage of non-compliance to communicate directly with the registrant.

Registrars will, in turn, be required to notify the appropriate registrant in any manner they choose, probably with an email message sent to the site administrator address that is required on domain registration. This notification is a one-way communication from the registry to the registrar – registrars are not obliged to notify mTLD of successful/unsuccessful communication with the registrant.

Non-Compliance Stages

There will be five stages in the domain compliance process as indicated in the following timeline:


The compliance process works as follows:

* The mTLD test tool will periodically visit every site in the .mobi domain. Every .mobi domain will be tested for conformance no less frequently than once every 90 days
* If a domain is found to be not in conformance with one or more of the mandatory rules, the domain goes into “first notification” state and the domain administrative contact is notified via the appropriate registrar.
* If in the period 15 days from the notification of the registrant the domain is again found not to be in compliance, the domain goes into “second notification” state and a second notification is sent to the domain administrative contact via the appropriate registrar, 15 days after the first notification. The registrars will be obliged to make it clear that this is the second notification.
* If in the period 15 days from the second notification the domain is again found to be not in compliance, the domain goes into “final notification” state and a third and final notification is sent to the domain administrative contact, directly from mTLD, 30 days after the first notification. This email will state that the compliance check has failed 3 times, citing dates and times, and state that the domain is pending suspension. A designated contact in the relevant registrar will be copied on the email. The email will also contain challenge instructions and a link to enable the registrant to appeal the decision.
* If compliance has not been reached within the next 30 days, the domain is then suspended, 30 days after the final notice and 60 days after the initial notice. The suspension process is described in more detail below.

In each case, the notification that is sent to the registrant will indicate the following pieces of information to help them diagnose the problem:

* List of Switch On! Guide rules that site does not conform to
* Date/time of check (with time zone)
* The user agent that the test tool was emulating
* The site URL that was checked

If at any stage of this timeline the domain compliance check for the domain in question passes (domain is compliant), the domain automatically reverts back to “domain in compliance” status.
Site Suspension

The final step of the site suspension process will involve human oversight to ensure appropriate decisions are made. Sites pending suspension will be reviewed weekly by mTLD and actioned appropriately, on a case-by-case basis. Domains will be suspended by setting the domain status to REGISTRY-HOLD status in the root DNS servers. This will prevent any name resolution of any queries related to the domain, and all sub domains.

What will happen if registrars find that it takes too much time and effort chasing down deadbeat registrants and simply throw in the towel?

Thoughts, comments?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 19, 2003
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The new .mobi is not for us.

I believe they don't want domain investors (speculators/cybersquatter).
They want developed, functional websites.

That is why the annual fee is $ 45 to $ 49 a year. And, I had heard that you have
to pay for 2 yrs of use at registration.

Furthermore, all of the better domains will be claimed by TM holders.

I would like to see if become successful. But, it is very clear that they don't
want speculators.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 14, 2004
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where's the best/cheapest place to pick up .mobi domains?


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 14, 2004
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so where's the best place to purchase them? aka best price?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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Fredo said:
you can register them at Eurodns.com. I think it worth investing in them, everyone owns a mobile...

I dont own a mobile, but do own mobile domains


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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every new extension that comes out only makes .com more valuable.

I read that once and it just makes more and more sense.

.mobi will be a good niche for mobile devices, but people will expect to find mobile content when they go to a .mobi domain, like music or video. I wonder how ppc ads will look on those small screens, and how you would monetize a .mobi domain if you have no content to offer a mobile user? Mobile devices are more costly to use than regular internet (per minute fee vs. monthly flat fee), so I think most people don't want to browse around too much on their mobile, they want to get to where they're going fast. Anyway, at least a new extension always keeps things interesting.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2006
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I dont think new extensions make the .com more valuable or less valuable. They basically have no effect on it. I think the more new extensions that come out the more it will make all of the other non .com extensions drop in value since there will be so many options people can just register whatever name they want if it used to be taken.
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