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.mobi .info .name .biz

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2006
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Hello guys, I'm new to this market so I'd like to have the opinion of players that have more experience than me. Every time that appears a new extension people talks like that or .mobi is a fenomenon?
Thanks for the attention.
Domain Days 2024

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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what's your question?

.mobi is a horrible extension, I dont understand the big fuss about it.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2006
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.mobi isn't as bad as you think GT. If you have like sex.mobi or porn.mobi or poker.mobi then your going to make good money with that domain.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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.mobi isn't as bad as you think GT. If you have like sex.mobi or porn.mobi or poker.mobi then your going to make good money with that domain.

That is true for all domain name extensions.

Is .mobi anything special? No.

Are 99% of .mobi domains registered worth $60 over 2 years? No.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 7, 2006
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hes right about the crap ones being regged.. however NOBODY knows if its anything special yet.. it is stupid, it seems pointless.. but we'll have to wait and see because of all the big companies funding it, it might NOT be a waste, and that will be the biggest slap in the face to the people that shunned it out of pure spite..

doesnt mean you should go out and register every LLL.mobi... thats just retarded


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Think of all the products/services companies poured billions of dollars into over the past decade that are now gone like the dodo bird.

If .mobi is made the default extension for wireless devices then buying them could have been a great idea, but as a web developer I can already build websites that are wireless ready with free technology. Most clients never ask for it because they either don't offer the service or not enough people would use it to make it worth it.

Ask yourself - what do you surf with your mobile that is not already on the web and already established? Most only download ringtones or maybe some stock quotes and for the cutting edge innovators maybe some other uses but until rates come down by a large margin to use your wireless devices to surf the net via .mobi websites is a long term investment imho.

You will still have to invest money to build the websites (or park I guess), spend more to advertise it, hope the search engines treat .mobi as something worth indexing alongside all the other extensions etc.

I just can't get excited about .mobi because the technology to surf the net via your phone is already there, for both the surfer and those that already own existing websites.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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Hello guys, I'm new to this market so I'd like to have the opinion of players that have more experience than me. Every time that appears a new extension people talks like that or .mobi is a fenomenon?
Thanks for the attention.
Nothing special with .mobi. We are still in the landrush but the hype will fade quickly (because it's just hype and nothing else).
Put simply most of the new TLDs (that is the post-2000 exts) have been a failure. However .info has being doing well lately. TLDs like .biz .coop .aero and what-else are despized by domainers and unknown to the public at large. There is no added value in these TLDs so they are not truly needed or wanted. They are not the right answer to the shortage of .com domains.
.mobi is even worse, it actually is an heresy because it runs counter the established principle of device independence on the web.
It demonstrates the extent to which ICANN, "the organization dedicated to the stability of the Internet", is out of touch. :doh:
See short essay by Tim Berners-Lee: http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/TLD

Since you are new to the market the advice I would give is not to jump onto the so-called new TLDs. You can have a few (say 5% of your portfolio) but don't waste your money with risky/dubious names.
It may be tempting for someone who is new to the market to make up for their tardiness by investing massively in alternate exts where competition is not fierce. If you have this in mind think again.

IMO you can't go wrong with .com. Of course there is competition but that's where value is ! With some research you can still locate unregistered names and there are some good names in the drops, to be had via backorder or even reg fee when they drop. Also certain ccTLDs are well-developed and are sound investments: .de .co.uk and others.
Of course diversification is important but it is also important to understand that not all TLDs are equal or have equal opportunities.


- x ɐ l ǝ ɹ -
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Remember dotMP? Nope? A few years ago .mp was marketed as the domain for mobile devices. Nothing came of that. Who knows if .mobi will be a success. At least .mp was shorter.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2004
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Microsoft, Samsung, Nokia, T-Mobile, Vodafone, DoCoMo & Ericson devices will have a .mobi key on their respective MobileTVPhone interfaces. Users will NOT have to type "dot" "m" "o" "b" "i"

Mobile browsers will default to .mobi as opposed to landbased computers that default to .com. For instance, if one types Google.com into their MobileTvPhone, the browser will default to Google.mobi

While mobile surfing this morning I saw an awesome ad showcasing BMW.mobi

Several people bring up the skeletal remains of prior domain extensions. Keep in mind that .mp, .name and .biz had no backing. The only people supporting .mp .biz and .name were O.J. Simpson & John Mark Karr:)

Google, Microsoft, Nokia, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Samsung have united and invested their time, boatloads of money and creativity in launching .mobi. They are the Corporate "Dream Team" using their technology, advertising dollars & leverage to make certain that .mobi is embedded into our daily life.

(I do know that a couple of you are pretending to be anti-dot-mobi, in order to supress speculators from grabbing your .mobi domains)


- x ɐ l ǝ ɹ -
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Microsoft, Samsung, Nokia, T-Mobile, Vodafone, DoCoMo & Ericson devices will have a .mobi key on their respective MobileTVPhone interfaces. Users will NOT have to type "dot" "m" "o" "b" "i"

Arrrrh, :veryangry you are tempting me to buy more .mobis with that positive propoganda!!


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2006
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.mobi is risky as it may really go no where...even with the backing mentioned. That being said, I really liked the advice from one of the posters - that if you do invest in the new extentions, only make it about 5% of your portfolio.

I regged 7 .mobi's and most likely will not reg more than 10...which will be a small percentage out of my 400+ domain portfolio which I started in 1999.

My advice: buy a couple names that would be appropriate for a mobile device and wait it out or develop the names you get to make back your reg fees over 2 years...don't bet the farm on this one though.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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If I was new to domaining i woud take a chance on a few key prime mobis using risk versus reward system chances are not many prime keywords are available in othere extensions, i dont have the time but i am sure you could pick up half a dozen good keywords in mobi, if the extension does well you would stand to make make a lot of money if it flops you may even recoup reg fees if one sold


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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Ask yourself - what do you surf with your mobile that is not already on the web and already established?

This is the difference between Early Adoptors and the Late Majority.

I prefer to define my future by the possibilities it presents.

For some, they define the future by the PAST already presented.

Of course we surf what is there. How can we surf what is NOT there?

Mobi will be there and moreover, as the current generation of users struggles with the thought that they have to type in the ext (which I believe we may not) the next generation will assume as fact that mobi IS the way mobile interent is used.

It's not today, or tomorrow... or even in 2006 that any of this will come to its prime. Maybe not even 2007. But by 2008, we will see mobi create a standard for Portables and that will propel the content, delivery, advertising, usage, softkeys/defaults, etc.

Right now, you can go ANYWHERE on the internet. Which is GREAT on a keyboard and desktop. On a Portable, sliming the net down to one default, one standard sure speeds things up. Makes surfing easier and allows for these investors to unveil their REAL plans... and that's controlling the content through the use of mobi sites linked to pre-packaged registries, searches, hotkeys, links and ad campaigns.

Mobi will NOT be like the traditional internet. I think that's the point. If you continually define what COULD be by what IS... you will stand on the shore, watching that cruise liner lift off the water and shoot straight into space because you believe a boat should only be in the water.

It's only after it's beyond your reach you realize.... you've missed the boat.

An anbelievably cool boat.



Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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Microsoft, Samsung, Nokia, T-Mobile, Vodafone, DoCoMo & Ericson devices will have a .mobi key on their respective MobileTVPhone interfaces. Users will NOT have to type "dot" "m" "o" "b" "i"
Is this official (any announcement yet from the manufacturers) or is it mere speculation ? It may sound cool for .mobi owners but at present it looks more like wishful thinking :greenwink:

Mobile browsers will default to .mobi as opposed to landbased computers that default to .com. For instance, if one types Google.com into their MobileTvPhone, the browser will default to Google.mobi
The issue here does not lie with the handset but the browser that is bundled with the unit. For instance the Opera browser (on PC) will add .com (after looking for a hostname on your LAN if any). For Opera mobile no idea if it would actually add .mobi to keyword. I don't know if Opera supports the .mobi TLD.
IF, I mean IF it ever works like this, we will see .mobi type-in traffic. The holders of prime keywords may then reap some benefits. Again, it is safe to assume that only a minority of names registered so far will be prone to type-in.
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