This thread is strictly for .mobi investors. If you are a supporter of .mobi, let's discuss the future. Otherwise, please don't post here. Thank You
You have no right to tell other members where to post or where not to post on this forum!
if you only want agreeable opinions, start your own exclusive forum.
It was funny as all get out. Try it.That's because prior to 2002, my domain was a meta search engine popular with the eastern block
If you were lucky enough to catch premium two word .mobi domains, then don't rush your head into selling for low price. Keep it for the time being and lets see how far the path will take us.
This is stupid advice. Now's the time to dump .mobis.
Even the nature of the thread is crying with "fear"
This thread is strictly for .mobi investors. If you are a supporter of .mobi, let's discuss the future. Otherwise, please don't post here. Thank You
He didn't tell anyone anything - he politely asked. Is it within forum policy to ask something in a polite manner?
Oh yeah, I saw those, Theo doing the .mobi thrashing and the Sedo bashing.I see lots of dwindling SEDO earning graphs seriously!