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multi-word domains PAY BETTER than singles?

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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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In my ongoing studies to understand what makes this business "Tick" I've stumbled upon something today, completely by accident, that virtually knocked me off my seat...

two-word domains are PAYING BETTER than single word domains. And I'm talking about generics here too, boys and girls.

For example:

Google customers pay per click:

Equity - $9.80 - $12.50 per click
Refinance - $16.18 - $20.90 per click

But... put them TOGETHER

Equity Refinance - $23.31 to a whopping $34.97 PER CLICK!!!

Another example:

service - $1.33 - $1.94
telephone - $1.23 - $1.79
"telephone service" - $3.63 - $5.18

home - $3.22 - $4.48
mortgage - $9.92 - $14.35
"home mortgage" - $11.07 - $15.14

Interesting eh?

The trend also shows that the more specific you make the words, the less clicks they will receive, but that's actually a GOOD thing when thinking in terms of contextual advertising. People looking for Home Repair aren't really interested in learning more about Home Sales. So the better targeted your domain is, the better the conversion as well.

For example, the last one... Home Mortgage:

Paying for all the clicks that "home" gets per day will cost $319,270 - $554,990
"mortgage" would cost $164,690 - $298,180 per day
But "Home Mortgage" would cost a paltry $97,700 - $167,030 but yield a 100% targeted audience.

Kinda makes you see the value of a developed site versus parking, doesn't it?

I mean, if Google patrons are paying $23 - $35 bucks per click for "Equity Refinance"... then why am I only seeing a measly BUCK for "EquityRefinance.net"?

Google doesn't care what the ext is, they charge for the keywords... so where is the extra $20 - $32 bucks going?

I have hundreds more examples but you get the idea.

At three words the numbers fall back in line with the singles in many cases, lower at four words, beyond two or three, the system starts working against you but the facts are right there for everyone to see.

If you have an Adwords account, look it up for yourself. It's under the tools, traffic estimator.

I know how you feel... I spent a couple of hours trying to DISPROVE what I was seeing as well (thus the examples I gave), but I couldn't.

The best I could come up with was a NULL SUM gain with the keyword "Cars" and "New"... "New Cars" only paid slighly more than "Cars" by itself.

AT random, I'm pulling a new one as I write this... "Digital Cameras"
Cameras - $2.28 - $3.26
Digital - $1.46 - $2.03
"Digital Cameras" - $2.47 - $3.45

As you can see, the pair only pays .20 cents better than Cameras by itself, but still...


Check this... one of my domains that folks here (ahem) said was not as good because it had THREE words...


car - $3.83 - $5.24
quotes - $2.43 - $3.35
rental -$4.72 - $7.08
"rental car" - $5.40 - $8.09
"Rental car quotes" - $7.73 - $9.66

Look a that... THREE words paying best!!!

Interesting, eh? So what do YOU think?

Domain Days 2024


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Makes sense. Google started as a search engine. A three word phrase / domain is very often a narrower, more exact match from a search engine perspective than a single word. It's not very surprising if the much-lauded smart pricing (the following contributed by the flogging-dead-horses-dept...) is partly based on search term relevancy algorithms.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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of course more targetted searches will bring higher cpc..makes sense as the potential customer/conversion is more suited to their product/service..word.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2005
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""Google doesn't care what the ext is, they charge for the keywords... so where is the extra $20 - $32 bucks going?""

They don't send the top paying ads to parked pages or lower quality sites , thats why you are seeing those $1 clicks on these keywords. They may even be using their PR system to determine who gets those top paying ads.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Domains don't pay better, the keywords pay better. A single word domain will still get more traffic. You can't compare "home" to "homeloans", but try comparing "loans" to "homeloans". "loans" will get more traffic.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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But what good is a bunch of traffic that is looking for CAR Loans when you are selling HOME loans?

First off, my examples don't suggest ANY words, but keywords.

Secondly, I did not say they would get more traffic but that they simply PAY better.

Thirdly, a more targeted audience (traffic) CONVERTS better.

Finally, very few people her have a snowball's chance in Africa of owning a single keyword dot common. HOWEVER, mutli-word domains are still available... so the rest of us, with a little skill and development, can create a great income potential.

What's wrong with that? Isn't this what it's all about, sharing helpful information so that we all may benefit?



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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I think you understand this concept but the ads are paying more because more words means a more refined search. Good point though, one of those obvious things that we might not think about. "Home" could mean a hundred things, "home loans" could mean 10 things, "home loan refinance" has basically only one meaning.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Targeted advertised pays more, but broader domain names are worth more overall. Anyone with loans.com has the potential to target car loans, home loans, any loans at all on separate pages or subdomains. Someone with carloans.com will only ever get car loans traffic. The broader names have all the value of all the target domains added up together.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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Absolutely TRUE... but since the chance of owning LOAN dot common is virtually IMPOSSIBLE and the context of this is in terms of what YOU AND I can hope to accomplish, continually pointing out what we CANNT have or what we CANNOT do is kinda sill ;)

Again, the point remains...

loans - $9.68 - $12.68
"home loans" - $15.39 - $23.09
"mortgage loans" - $16.69 - $25.04
"student loans" - $13.76 - $20.64

Not that we can get any of these two-word combos either... but the odds are better getting two or three word domains and the PPC is obviously better and the targeted traffic generates a better CTR.

I'm NOT saying they will get more traffic. Never did. I'm saying that for those of us not fortunate to enter this game 15 years ago or have a Million Bucks "start-up" capital, HERE is a way to effectively earn in this market.

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