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My problem...who else has it?

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2003
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I love domain names, and I understand the value. I'm always going after more - I'm currently at about 400 which is a few compared to some, and many compared to others.

I have a handful of developed sites on nice domains that do very well for me. I built them 5 years ago and google seems to like them. On a monthly basis, they bring in checks and I keep the sites up and every year I do a little better.

If I were smart, I would spend my time developing my top 10 names and waiting a few years until things start to kick in on them....but I'm not smart. I'm addicted to these stupid names. I'm afraid I'll miss out on the next name that could be the perfect foundation for a site. So I spend an hour here and an hour there on the forums, and on snapnames searching for names. And then I buy them and do nothing with them....except looking for more. So I have my good sites I built 5 years ago, and about 9 other half finished sites just waiting to make money after a little work.

If I were flipping the names it might be ok, but I usually don't even respond to offers because some day I might build a site there, and what if I sell too cheap?

I know I can make more money developing, but searching for these things is addictive - it's the thrill of the hunt.

ok, enough late night rambling....anybody else out there like me?
Domain Days 2024


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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I am, but I dont buy names just reg them at reg fee, i search constantly for news items, like today i saw baby wigs are getting popular, so i checked and babywig.com and babywigs.com were taken if they werent i would have regged, last week i read some doctors in england were saying 4 of 10 botox users were addicted so of course i had to reg 5 or 6 dot coms dealing with the addiction, so far they are getting small traffic but the news isnt out yet, i find a small percentage of my names hit but when they do they more than cover the names that miss in income. I dont no how to develop so that part isnt an issue with me as long as i keep moving to a more profitable position i will continue, if i level out or start decreasing i might slow down


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I have stopped registering domains unless i will develope it. I am letting a 100-150 drop because I will not develope them nor do they bring parking income. I stopped holding out for the whatifs, and go out with the mind set that I am going to make these domains work for me, not hope they work for me. I have over 100 developed websites atm. and im looking to develope more :)

If you really want to get those top 10 done, put on your blinders, get tunnel vision. Really focus or you can outsource them and just forget about them until they finish.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2005
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I'm in the same situation. Looking to develop more of them...


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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I love domain names, and I understand the value. I'm always going after more - I'm currently at about 400 which is a few compared to some, and many compared to others.

I have a handful of developed sites on nice domains that do very well for me. I built them 5 years ago and google seems to like them. On a monthly basis, they bring in checks and I keep the sites up and every year I do a little better.

If I were smart, I would spend my time developing my top 10 names and waiting a few years until things start to kick in on them....but I'm not smart. I'm addicted to these stupid names. I'm afraid I'll miss out on the next name that could be the perfect foundation for a site. So I spend an hour here and an hour there on the forums, and on snapnames searching for names. And then I buy them and do nothing with them....except looking for more. So I have my good sites I built 5 years ago, and about 9 other half finished sites just waiting to make money after a little work.

If I were flipping the names it might be ok, but I usually don't even respond to offers because some day I might build a site there, and what if I sell too cheap?

I know I can make more money developing, but searching for these things is addictive - it's the thrill of the hunt.

ok, enough late night rambling....anybody else out there like me?

wow, it's scary how i could have written the same thread!


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2003
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The most frustrating thing is that if I had put as much time into my sites as domaining over the past 3 years, I would almost certainly be making 3-4 times as much as I do now from my sites, which would allow me a lot of flexibility in my life. So....no more bs from me. I'm going to try to sell some names that don't fit into my portfolio, and I'm going to not spend more than 20 minutes per day looking through these damn lists. Ask me 6 months from now, hopefully I'll have good news!


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 18, 2003
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We should form a 12-step group. I'm in EXACTLY the same predicament... well, except I don't spend as much time as you do, because I have to feed my family, and, well, maybe I don't bring in as much from my domains as you. But the time I DO have to invest in development I always spend speculating. The worst for me is when I have to sell off a domain that I WANT to develop because I don't have the money for some bill, when if I had just DEVELOPED it when I bought it, I certainly would have less money worries now. The scales are definitely out of balance. How do we re-balance them?


New Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2003
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Nice post that I can fully relate to.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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I am SOOOOO part of this group.... It's like donuts or candy... so much to choose from, so much passion behind you, so much "Creative Intent" when you see a domain.

Some People see "generic" while others see "branding"

Some people deisre "type-in" while others see "search traffic"

Some people crave Parking Pages when others thrive on Creative Websites.

We all can't figure out why people don't see or can't see the "vision" we have for these domains. They dismiss them offhand because they are not "generic" enough... when generic is exactly opposite of what we want, which is "unique", "brandable", "engaging" and Fulfilling.

I see, I fall in love with the potential, I buy. As a result, I own more domain than I can possibly develop with a job and other time restraints.

I feel your pain guys... I do. I'm ad addicted as you all are.

As of right now, I have... like you all... Hundreds of domains that I've not done anything with because of "life". The creative potential in these domains is unrealised because I have not done what I bought them for. And still, I buy more...

Here's what we should do:

1 - Seriously revise our list into domain that we SHOULD develop and those we shouldn't

2 - Form a group to pormote and support each other and keep ourselves on task.

3 - Not rest until we've realized the potential in the sites we have.

4 - Don't BUY ANY MORE until we have finished what's on our plate right now.

Like you all, I have many ideas and many of them are focused around this issue... a way to resolve my current situation with domains.

To that end, I have done the following...

1 - Set up a site, TopDollarNames.com at which I put all the domains I haven't yet developed. If they sell, then that's one less domain for me to develop and the revenues help me develop others on my priority list.

TopDollarNames.com is linked to by serveral PR5 and PR6 domains I have so the intent there is to increase its page rank and give it better exposure in search engines. A complete ad and SEO campaign is behind it.

This will give value to the domain that are there, hopefully some traffic and certainly some exposure.

2 - I've stepped away from my primary job to work on these domains and get them up and running. I'm designing web pages and hosting them just as fast as I can.

To that end, I have secured my own server, purchased 1000's of dollars in Develpment software and am putting my skills to work pushing through the mountain of domains I have to develop.

In order to help me stay on this task, I am also building sites for others like me (and you) that need CHEAP yet expensive looking domains put up for your websites. Also hosting them for less than $9 per month with all the bells and whistles (email, high bandwidth, lots of space, BB services, Stats, etc).

I have a huge list of domain I currently host and have developed if anyone is interested in seeing them.

3 - Make designs that are ecconimical and easy to maintain. Everyone that has seen my sites (like GoPC.com for instance) loves my work and can't believe I build these for the price I do. The nice thing is that they are easy to maintain once they are up and running.

At this point, full time, I can put out many sites a week... good solid sites that you can be proud of, that finally realize your dream and vision.

More extensive sites... sites with flash or database driven effects or whatnot... are a different deal. They do take more time and efforts but can also be an ongoing developement project. The important thing is to make your presense known with a high quality, nice design and start from there.

4 - SEO, submissions, indexing and ranking. Once completed, get the sites out there where people can find them... in the search engines. Like you, I believe in the value and potential of search traffic. I can't, in good faith, base the future and value of a domain on type-in traffic alone. SEARCH traffic yeilds great results, revenues and value.

5 - Get Adsense or other PPC ads up on the sites. Of course, Affiliate Sales make sense too if applicable. This way, there is revenue taken from the sites indirectly as well as directly if your concept happens to be retain in nature.

6 - Build strategic partnerships to create growth and value to these sites. I've been talking with some folks about converting ViralTrade.com into a Google Bombing system by which each of us in the group take turns isolating a keword link to one of our collective sites and FORCING it up the search engine ladder through this "google bombing" technique. If you've never heard of it, google it up and you will see... it's POWERFUL, it WORKS and Google has no intention of doing anything about it.

It is how searching the word "failure" and getting the official White House .gov "President Bush" thing happened. This is the result of an effective Google Bombing campaign.

By doing this as a group, we can get better rates, better service and faster escalation through Page Ranking and Search Ranking.

So... here's the deal.

I'm perfectly willing to help all of YOU reach your design goals and revenue goals as long as you are willing to support my efforts in some way.

We'll call it a Co-op. Some of you have programming skills but little time. Others can write. Some just have money... doesn't matter.

I will build sites for literally pennies on the dollar and in some cases FREE... provided I can recoupe some costs through PPC ads or something. You list your domains at TopDollarNames.com and join the ViralTrade effort and we all, together, can realize our goals of developed sites with little or minimal cost.

This is a rough outline but basically is my plan of attack.... what do you say?



DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 23, 2006
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Good thread.

This is my first post to the board tho I have been poking around for a while.

I guess a lot of us started out the same way ...registering a gazillion marginal (read:crappy) names & planning to get rich from sales or development. The todo list of names to be developed keeps growing with each new registration. Looking back at some of the stinkers I registered, the lingering question is "was I drunk or what?"

After binging, I had to purge last spring when my developed sites were still struggling & I was facing renewal fees into the thousands. Time to clean house! Dropped most of them - still have a few hundred tho.. might be time to clean house again. Curiously, I see some some of the stinkers I dropped for sale on sedo, etc. by the new sucke..I mean owner. Good luck to 'em.

A few of the sites I actually did develop are doing extremely well now so my strategy has become to acquire/invest in premiums with the earnings. Grow or die, right? In regard to domains: Quality over quantity.

It cost a fair amount of money to learn that as a beginner in the business, I did not (in fact) know it all. However, I consider it a down payment on future success.



New Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2003
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GoPC... Interesting plan of attack and to me, your post needs it's own thread.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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That is way too long for me to read dude, lol.

I thought about that... lol. Lots of info to get across in a short span. Sorry :)

Bascially its this...

LET'S DO IT... Lets get our "passion" pushed into a reality but working together in a co-op to design, develop, promote and realize our domains.




Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2004
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You're not alone ! You're not alone ! You're not alone !



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 11, 2005
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Domainaholic group is gathering... :tea: :beer_yum: :party: Let's stop Passion for a while and Focus Focus Focus... M:wof:ney is one part of the Game too!
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