We just went through this yesterday.I think someone just got their mod privileges... my thread was closed because I listed the name as communies,com ( http://www.dnforum.com/f283/typo-domain-communies-com-thread-369390.html ) and the reason the thread was closed - "No comma allowed in title"
The rules are here:
And you can list the name in two formats if you don't want to list the actual names:
10. ALL DOMAIN SALES MUST list the actual domain name IN THE POST, and at least one of the domain names being sold in the title of the post, you must post the ACTUAL DOMAIN NAME. No spacing of letters or domains is permitted in titles and/or posts for all Platinum Sales sections as well as the Domain Appraisal section. There's a solution for those avoiding spiders, you may use example(.)com or example(dot)com. In addition, most forums have a sticky thread or an announcement thread (or perhaps both) with more rules specific to that subforum. Please check for specific sticky threads and specific announcements that pertain to the subforum before posting in the forums. This rule is echoed in many sticky threads across our forum. Checking for a sticky before posting is netiquette you should be aware of, in any forum.
We do not have staff who can monitor every single post/thread so we can only take action when we see it or the post/thread is reported by member. Feel free to report any thread/post that violated the rules and we will take action accordingly.
Your thread was closed because the name is a TM name and if we don't want members think that we encourage or support TM names in our community.
The requirements for name in the title is not new and we have discusses several time. You can list in the Exclusive section if you don't want to list the name in title.
We only give warning and PM to new members when they violate the rules. It is impossible to send PM to OP for every violation.
We (Mods) only enforce the rules. You can always make suggestions and it is up to the management to approve the changes.
Thank you all.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators