wouldn't even be that good. It is a bit awkward. People say TV, not television. This is a case where if you aren't 100 percent familiar with the language, then you wouldn't know. The plural is definitely not good. You would be surprised how hard certain My-type names are to sell. I have had some pretty good ones, and sometimes you cannot give them away.
Unless you have super names following the word My, you are generally better off not registering these. In fact, if the name is available to register it is almost guaranteed to be worth zero (not sure when you regged this).
I see that near your user name near the country you have .Me listed. That is a huge mistake. If you don't know that is bad, then the chances of you regging good names in .Me are less than zero. In fact, I challenge the top domainers in the world to spend 100 hours this month dabbling in .Me names. It is a black hole of idiocy, as are most extensions that are not dotcom.
This board is a ghost town of mainly bad dotcom names. I see many people have disappeared. They either committed suicide or went bankrupt and are homeless. I tried to warn them, but they got involved in garbage extensions and dog crap names, and I can only assume that a number of them took the easy way out by way of shotgun, exhaust pipe, or other desperate means.
During the rah rah days of just a few years ago, I saw what was developing, but the most futile thing in the world to do is to try to convince someone who is making a horrible decision to change his/her ways. The only way people generally make big decisions is after the pain of bad decisions. Heck, imagine trying to convince someone who bought a house during the housing bubble that they were going to ruin their They didn't understand until the pain came. doesn't make sense, but at least it is dotcom, and it would make sense if it made sense, if you know what I'm saying. Some names here don't make sense even if they made sense.