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Namethink say's you guys are disrespectful if you did posts here on 9-11

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David G

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Apr 15, 2002
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Miles says you guys should not have posted on 9-11
I said I would post no more on this fiasco, but people like Duke of Earl, aactive, dnpwerful and in particular Miles Namethink are doing everything within their power to bring down dnforum and get members to move to their new forum.

This post was from Namethink of Toronto Canada (with no doubt planned follow-up posts by his buddies). He is believed to be Michael Smoljo aka Miles or Namethink, and is the absolute poorest taste and most direspectful and vicious post toward myself and also the zillions of members who posted here on 9-11, and to all Americans, including Pres Bush who wanted us all to live a normal day on 9-11 so as to not surrender to the terrorsist wish to shut us all down on 9-11.

Namethink said today "RealNames, out of respect for the first anniversary of the tragic September 11th events, I refrained from posting yesterday. You seemed to have felt otherwise. To each his own, I suppose."

That is probably the most insulting disgusting idiotic and lowlife thing you could ever say, especially since you are talking about all your buddies such as aactive duke of earl dnpowerful and many others who all posted on 9-11 - some posted numerous times.

It shows what a complete ahole and low-life idiot you are for saying that in your BS post, which also contained lots of other exagerations and false information and twisting of the truth.

Once again Miles, by your insulting all the many members who followed Pres Bush's advise to go on with their normal day to day things on 9-11 shows what a creep and ahole you really are. Please go crawl back into the hole you came out of?

"Miles, send me your phone number so we can get together and I can punch you in the nose." (is a joke, same one said by others on this forum in the past)


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
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Now you're threatening Miles??!!!

Duke of Earl, you called it: This fellow's losing it. Meltdown in progress.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Duke of Earl, you called it: This fellow's losing it. Meltdown in progress.

I could see this one coming from a mile away. It is QuietQuality to the 10th power. This one is really scary. I keeping having flashbacks to those scenes from The China Syndrome. This one could melt right down through the earth's core and pop up in Beijing!


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2002
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I see you edited your threat:

The original post of yours read:

"Miles, send me your phone number so we can get together and I can punch you in the nose."

Then, you reconsidered, and added in:

"(is a joke, same one said by others on this forum in the past)"

Ah, I see Grasshoppa'. Wise man realizes posting physical threat on board not best move.

The sound of a trench getting deeper and deeper as man digs furiously.

Realnames, I hear Joe is looking for chat partners. I think you're now ready for each other.

Since Realnames (Dave) needs to repost his comments from another thread, I guess I'll have to repost my reply to him from that thread:



Dave, ever since you got upset a while back when I made that little joke about "declarable.com" being a great name and available for reg--a joke pretty much everyone except you got--I knew you were a strange bird...and that you had some serious reading comprehension problems. (And that domain I "suggested" pretty much says it all with regards to your behaviour these past two days.)

I know you read all the posts, but go back to the one I made early in the morning of 9-11, and this time, read it a little more carefully. Here's what it said:

Originally posted by RealNames
P.S. Miles, you first were unbusinesslike and insulting to me by saying "grow up."

I'll save my response for tomorrow.

Today is a day for other things.


09-11-2002 02:15 AM

I know how literally you take things, Dave, but I don't think it takes all that much in the brains dept to see I wasn't abstaining from all posting on 9-11...I was abstaining from continuing this unfortunate and negative exchange on a day that called for peace and dignity.

Now, you'll probably say...whoa!...DnPowerful thought you were criticizing all posting on 9-11, and so did O.C.

I can understand how those guys might have misread it...but you and I were having a dialogue, and my post was written in that context. And if you can't get that...well...there seems to be a lot of things you can't get, so one more won't make all that much difference.

Dave, over the past two days, you've shown yourself to be the absolutely nuttiest whackjob on this board. You've even given radios a run for his money, and I wouldn't have thought that possible outside of an insane asylum.

No serious business-person will patronize this board if you are associated with its management...you've made sure of that with your spectacularly unprofessional and junvenile behaviour. However annoyed I was with you at the beginning of this sorry episode, I now pity you much more.

If the behaviour you've shown here over the past two days is anything like you are in real life, I think you should seek help.



P.S. Dave, thanks for posting most of my personal information on the boards...that's a really wonderful trait in an online forum owner.

P.P.S. I just have one last thing to say to you Dave, and I'm also going to make a separate thread on this point, because the people who remain on this board, instead of going to domainstate.com where all the domain professionals will now be, need to know exactly what kind of a businessman you are.

Your hypocrisy with regards to Dan has been appalling. Everyone here knows you made him a greater offer for this board than he had from MattyP, Safesys & Snoopy, causing him to lose his deal with them, who were willing to pay him upfront, with no b.s.

But now, given your absolute and tremendously suspicious silence on this matter, I personally am inclined to believe that you have somehow renegged on your offer to Dan. And until I see you post otherwise, I will continue to be inclined towards this belief, as I suspect many others will as well.

Gregr said it all:

Originally posted by gregr

I hope you follow through on your agreement to purchase this site. Otherwise you've scewed the hell out of Dan. Your offer killed the mods offer. Time to put up or shut up.

Good Luck

Greg Ricks

Dave, I bet Dan regrets the day he ever decided to start dealing with you. Well, at least it's given him a good lesson in how to spot a nutjob. And a phony.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 22, 2002
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Dave, ever since you got upset a while back when I made that little joke about "declarable.com" being a great name and available for reg--a joke pretty much everyone except you got

it's regged now

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by uncle it's regged now

Good news, this proves that when I said the name was better tham almost all names mentioned on the forum everyone laughed and thought I was nuts when they found out the domain name and post was a tongue in cheek joke by Namethink.

Now I feel a lot better. Thanks for reg'ing the name Uncle :D It really is a good name.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 22, 2002
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I didn't reg it. I just see it's registered and points to a ppc search engine.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2002
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Declarable.com a good name? 2,000 google results and 0 OVT results....sounds like any other worthless adjective domain name.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by uncle I didn't reg it. I just see it's registered and points to a ppc search engine.

That's OK, even though someone else regged it, that still vindicates me. It very well could be someone from here who reg'd it.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by alldig Declarable.com a good name? 2,000 google results and 0 OVT results....sounds like any other worthless adjective domain name.

Perhaps 'good' was stretching it, was only good compared to the many worthless made-up names, with zero suggestiontool returns. At least it is a dictionary word.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
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Even the president of the United States urged folks to go on with their every day lives on the 9-11 anniversay....and THAT was even with the impending threat of yet another strike. I think that would also include forum postings.... as well as... day to day jobs etc. I believe.. that the original posting here had little to do with it being 9-11 anniversary...but rather a personal shot at the DNforum ownership!:eek: :confused:


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Big ups to those who went down on 9-11 !!!!!!!!!

Still life goes on.......

We4c.com" ........ the future
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