Geert Wilders is a Dutch politician and member of the House of Commons in the Netherlands. Wilders is a firm criticus of the Islam culture.
Wilders announced that he was working on a 15 minutes movie concerning the Koran at the end of 2007. The film reflects Wilders conception that the Koran is a fascist book. No television station in the Netherlands wants to show the film. Wilders wanted therefore to show his movie on the internet. His site was hosted on NetworkSolutions but likely Network was afraid for a lot of trouble. Url is: fitnathemovie. com
The public opinion in the Netherlands is strongly divided over this movie. Most people in the Netherlands will agree that free press is essential and that this movie should be allowed. There are so many films who ridicule and criticize Christianity.
On the other hand Wilders is a politician, not a film maker. In the Dutch politics, Wilders has strong competition of two other parties on the right wing.
In november 2004 the Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh was murdered like a pig on the street in Amsterdam by an Islam fanatic. This was after finishing Theo van Goghs critical Islam movie 'Submission'.