About 60% of these didn't have snaps at the time of the last
check. these are old reg-hold lists from 05-11 and 05-12
to get the actual linkpop multiply by ~3. enjoy.
domains with linkpop:
typealice.com 1593
amershambiosciences.com 932
itencity.com 916
benatar.com 862
webfaster.net 795
liraz.com 758
kehui.net 758
amicrawler.com 662
justsurfit.com 659
dnapublications.com 657
kentuckynewera.com 637
noorah.com 598
basicmagazine.net 596
acdvictoria.com 583
productnet.com 568
telecomcorridor.com 559
airandaman.com 558
dovercametome.com 555
paintedrock.com 547
gomantaktimes.com 489
3apes.com 453
youngliberty.com 429
gamp.com 405
summersplaypalace.com 402
caffemocha.com 401
thailandhotels.net 394
kimm.com 388
savoymag.net 361
charterconnection.com 356
frea.com 354
genesisp-orridge.com 354
macase.com 347
suffolkdowns.com 335
aumusic.com 312
ylands.com 303
planetaecologico.com 292
eveningsun.com 272
ieinc.com 269
997wtn.com 266
preservedwood.com 262
planetamusical.com 262
axeria.com 261
prosonline.com 259
emotional-angel.com 250
coolteenbase.com 249
toughmedia.com 246
eatons.com 244
catamountcycles.com 236
fashion-cafe.com 234
allsexyteens.net 233
21northmain.com 230
computer-china.com 225
audioworks.com 222
sweetbeauty.com 221
mad-dog.net 221
porn-baby.com 216
acuherb.com 215
brucerobison.com 209
adventureteam.com 206
zeroplus.com 202
graphion.com 199
planetamujer.com 193
sriny.com 190
global-top100.com 188
amazingbaby.com 178
yoll.com 176
freexxxstuff.com 175
hotwin.com 172
cybercigarettebreak.com 172
falgunimehta.com 170
2ampd.net 169
pollwizard.com 169
sincityhosting.com 168
mathwizards.com 167
ministars.com 167
custombizsites.com 165
hwy56.com 165
living-in-belgium.com 163
leatherique.com 162
haberciler.com 162
doublecum.com 157
jazzcentral.com 156
indonesianheritage.com 154
redlightdelight.com 153
legendsfieldtampa.com 153
elboroomchicago.com 149
techemployment.com 149
educazionealimentare.net 145
teklab.com 144
pipelinz.com 143
indyrock.com 143
netbytel.com 143
prestigeart.com 142
t1-t3-dsl-line.com 142
khconline.com 141
astanetworks.com 138
soskidproof.com 138
weredesign.com 137
sex-pictures-world.com 135
bidnbuy.com 135
neosintesi.com 134
caption.com 134
palmpalm.com 132
photos-sexe-fr.com 132
sex-pictures-zone.com 130
sustainableusa.com 130
usnetpower.com 130
projectaccess.com 129
hungary-ru.com 128
123baby.com 128
easylisteningradiostations.com 124
urbanradiostations.com 124
maulpoix.net 123
ethiozena.net 123
vampiretechnology.com 123
albumrockradiostations.com 122
coolyoungbabe.com 121
nfsunlimited.net 121
maxshouse.com 121
hotheels2000.com 120
lacefairy.com 120
auctionadventures.net 119
ayashi.net 119
maltavista.net 118
elysianbrewing.com 117
finacor.com 116
saknet.com 115
usurper-necrocult.com 115
mondomed.com 115
videoaddicts.com 112
smoky.com 112
denysdefrancesco.com 111
bdcool.com 111
toner-ltd.com 110
nnsg.com 109
astrosales.com 109
aston-france.com 108
gleevec-oncology.com 107
wikman.com 107
tccsecure.com 107
ergointerfaces.com 105
odyssey2000.com 105
rafr.com 104
canalsouk.com 103
ar2.com 103
megadetharizona.com 103
totalmerchantservices.com 102
glassesfloat.com 101
lowerinterestcreditcard.com 101
treat from luc.
these aren't dropping anytime soon, but if they were
they would be snapped (at least most of them).