I sold WiiRemote.com for $3k plus 2 weeks ago. Some trademark infringements works to the benefit of the mark holder. In this case, Nintendo cares less if you have the Nintendo name as long as the site helps in advertising and sales of it's flagship product.
Can you imagine hundreds of Wii sites talking, promoting and selling Wii products? It only adds to the Nintendo bottom line. And with stiff competition from Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo does not mind these domains working for them.
I say this from past expereince. I used to own motorolarazr.com and many variations of it. Initially, Motorola would inspect the site most everyday. My servers could catch their Ip everyday. These stopped after a while. They never contacted me.
Reason - I did my best to sell the Razr on that 1 single page. And so it goes for other trademarked names as well. Perhaps not always. But, it does not hurt to take a chance.
I have a $17k bid on my Wii name collection already. Will wait untill the console launch comes close to get the right price. I see domainers selling some truly good Wii names for $100, $500 and I think it is a mistake.