Do Your Job
George Kirikos â Oct 24, 2008 2:48 PM PDT
ICANN should not be presenting half-baked proposals that re-open settled issues, and leave it up to volunteers to find all the loopholes. How many lawyers are on ICANN's payroll, including contractors like Jones Day, who should have reviewed it first, as they should have reviewed the .info/biz/org draft agreements last time?
The draft agreement could have stated that there would be a price cap of $6 per domain-year, as a base upon which to start the debate. Let the community start from there, instead of having to start from no price cap whatsoever. When's the last time ICANN posted a draft contract that erred on the side of domain registrants? Hintânever! It's a major cause of cynicism in the ICANN process that we must constantly defend hard fought gains due to these supposed "slips." I expect the usual shills for the registry operators to come up with their "compromise" scenarios again, like they attempted for .info, .biz and .org. Eventually, they were able to get a compromise of 10% annual price increases, even higher than VeriSign's 7% increases!