i cant take this no more... its killing me....
im going to take a garlic now
get to the doctors as it may not be 'flu'
real flu and not a 'mancold' is a shitty experience and you feel freezing and awful and takes 10 days - 2 weeks to get over and doesn't come round often luckily, but you may have something more serious. dont want to worry you.
do you have any rashes or anything?
i appreciate healthcare is not free in america as you have different priorities over there :worried: and is something you have to take into account when thinking of visiting but my advice is to check it out.
btw don't take any of the advice about garlic, alcohol and sleeping pills, just stick to ibuprofen and the regulated dose.
drink plenty and get plenty of vitamin c, fresh orange juice etc
there are no magic formulas but a hot bath is good advice , if nothing else makes you feel better.
good luck