I have a site (wtfrag.com) that is a run-of-the-mill flash arcade site that has completely tanked to about 400 UV a day as I haven't touched it in over a year and I simply have no want to try to re-establish it. My question is - being new to parking - can I park this domain on Sedo or anywhere else for sale? I'm still too new to know what exactly is ok and what is not ok to park. I know it's frowned upon to send traffic to parked domains with advertising, but what about domains that already have traffic like this?
Pardon me if my post sounds ignorant. I'm a quick study and I'll catch on shortly. My portfolio is only 300 strong and the few domainers I've showed it to have said I have some gems so hopefully I'll learn quickly and be able to return the favor - but while I'm a noob to all this, your input is appreciated.
Pardon me if my post sounds ignorant. I'm a quick study and I'll catch on shortly. My portfolio is only 300 strong and the few domainers I've showed it to have said I have some gems so hopefully I'll learn quickly and be able to return the favor - but while I'm a noob to all this, your input is appreciated.