Originally posted by windyreddy Hello Safesys, Thanks for the appraisal. It was a jolt !! Very disappointing !!Though low on Google & Overture count, I think this is a domain of choice for any office automation company with the muscle to build a online brand !!Thank you. regards, Windy
I have said this many times in the past. As you said this is a name which has branding potential value. But it has no actual value at this time, especially as only an undeveloped name for sale, one of millions. It's a non-real name, a made-up name, that's why it has zero returns on Overture. No one would type it into their browser.
As a non-real name its only true value would be for a firm who just by luck happens to run across it, falls in love with it, can't find an alternative name for only a reg fee, and knows he will need lots of marketing funds to brand it and has the money too.
The chances of all that happening are slim and none. This is why real names and real terms have such value. There is little if any marketing, time and expense required to get some traffic, especially type-in names.