is probably worth zero. After all, 6 billion people could have registered it for the last 20 years or so, and they decided not to, so it has to be worth zero. Now, that doesn't mean all names that are available are worth zero, but wine is not some new technology or product, and the word online does not add any value to it, just like Female Model doesn't make sense......model is prefered. is enough.......and obviously that would have value, but adding online to it doesn't cut it.
The recycle names are tricky because they look like they should have value, but the reality is that you don't/won't get type-in traffic, and even though those are legitimate phrases, it is just hard to imagine somebody paying you good money to buy one of those names and build a site on it, when the reality is that those types of people don't need these names to build their sites, since they won't get any bonus traffic with the purchase.
The list of names is not good because when people glance at the list they actually have to read everything closely. Nothing strong jumps out. You have a bunch of added words in there that make the names worthless. Take the name, for instance. Of course, would have good value, and maybe even could be argued to have value of a tad more than reg fee (debatable, but arguable). However, can't have any value in the world I live in......and it shouldn't. The name can't possibly get any traffic, and you can't possibly imagine someone buying it from you for a decent price, so zero it is.
Now, some would argue that you could develop some of these names and create value. I would argue that they are full of crap, since you could theoretically develop any name into some type of value proposition. These names don't bring anything to the table that is needed or cannot be found in other names that are readily available.
I see you joined in 2004, so you are doing something right (or spending lots of money). Deep down you know that these names aren't worth anything....I am fairly certain of that. I would almost wager my life that of the names you listed you have never once received an email offer from someone inquiring about a purchase. That is one of the signs of a name that is not worth registering, though there are certainly names that are worth money that have never received offers. I don't think these fall into that group.
I am not trying to be mean. Beware of names that look like they could possibly be worth something. They generally aren't. I have seen people use phrases like real estates and words like pokers. The whole point of the game is to recognize what makes a name have value. Names that seem close to being good are actually not that close at all.
Good luck, Buddy. I have seen worse names than these recently.