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Open letter to Sedo...Pathetic Service

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Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Not exactly an open letter as it has been emailed to several at Sedo USA and Sedo Germany.



I am absolutely fed up with Sedo.

Why? Because of BS like this.

Again, over a month since payment made. More than 2 weeks since I have entered the authorization codes and waiting on transfer. And again, no damn communication whatsoever. Why has the domain not been transferred?

Gee, I don't know. Let me go to my account and see what the holdup is. Oh, there's a message.

Transaction History:
02/05/07 Agreement reached
02/05/07 Please send us your payment for the domain. The invoice for this sale can be found here:
As soon as your payment reaches our escrow account we will inform you and the technical transfer can begin.
02/05/07 The seller of the domain has yet to confirm his personal details and contract type. Every effort is being made to contact the seller in order to get him to complete this information. Once this has been done, the transfer can proceed to the next stage.
02/06/07 We have received full payment for this domain. Please await further instructions from your transfer agent. It is often the case that we have to go through certain preliminary stages with the seller in order to prepare the domain for transfer, so please be patient during this period.
02/13/07 We have received the AUTH code from the seller. The AUTH code is:

03/05/07 In order to facilitate this transfer we have requested that the seller push the domain into our account at his registrar. Once the domain is in our account we shall unlock it and instruct you to put in a transfer request so that we can authorize it.

For crying out load &&&, we have been over the same issues time and time again. My effort is falling on deaf ears at Sedo. No communication whatsoever. When was someone from Sedo going to update me on this domain? I'll tell you when...NOT!

Every transaction lately has taken over well over 30 days to complete. Whether I am the buyer of the seller. What is it, is there a trust fund set up somewhere that pays net 30 days for holding or tying up funds for 30 days?

Despite assurances time after time from you this continues to happen every time I do business with you. It is I who initiates contact rather than Sedo even bother to update me. Incompetent staff and even staff members lying to you that they have contacted me. Pathetic service that is hard to compare to anywhere.

This downward slide seemed to begin about the same time Sedo launched their acclaimed auction service. It also seems very apparent that due to this effort, Sedo has diverted much attention and staff to this sector...staff and attention that was perhaps once part of servicing their customer.

It should come as no surprise that Sedo is rapidly becoming the laughing stock of several of the domain forums. From the countless complaints of no communication or no response, to the fake IDN phishing domains...Sedo should be embarrassed as they continue to distance themselves from their customer base with poor service and games.

And while we are on the subject of laughing stock, that is how my portfolio revenues look thus far for the month of March.

3/1 ctr 8%
3/2 ctr 8%
3/3 ctr 8% $7.62
3/4 ctr 9% $6.56
3/4 ctr 6%

I have not seen number like that since I don't know when. Down to $12.72 avg. per day with a 7.8% CTR. Why such numbers? Because Sedo ain't cutting it. A CTR like that can only mean one thing...irrelevant content on the landing pages that nobody wants to look at.

Historically, my number one paying domain name...CTR in the 45% range, paying a low of $2.64 and a high of $9.47 for February...

3/1 ctr 8.9% 89cents
3/2 ctr 11.9% $1.29
3/3 ctr 15.33% $2.52
3/4 ctr 14.10% $1.44
3/5 ctr 7.94% 98 cents

Look at those pathetic numbers. For the month of March thus far...11.69% CTR with a grand total of $7.35 in revenue. A decrease in CTR of nearly 75% and in revenue nearly 80%. The traffic is still there. But in no time I will loose that traffic when that customer base keeps visiting the page but the content on the landing page is totally irrelevant and they just leave.

Why is it irrelevant? Because people like me who spend countless hours to tweak and optimize keywords are totally wasting our time as Sedo and it's infamous system does whatever the hell it wants to do and thinks it knows what is best for it's customers.

No only are the landing pages irrelevant, Sedo wastes my time by selecting a language. I am quite impressed that my Chinese IDN's are getting hits already when they are less than a week old. But why specify the language being in Chinese when I visit 数商店.com and it is all in English. Again, more time wasted. Countless hours wasted.

Yes, time and time again we have been over these issues. And time and time again my ego and portfolio is stroked by your words and reassurances offered. What are we up to now? 5 free feature listings for the sake of placating me? Is it any surprise that I have not taken you up on this offer?

How many times since the implementation of the auction service have I asked a broker contact me? And how many times has a broker contacted me? I guess the brokers and the staff at Sedo have been too busy with the bullshit IDN names and trying to collect from the outraged bidders who have been scammed. Why one of the supposed industry leaders wants to concoct and perpetrate a game like that is beyond me. Chances many of the bidders were new to the field of domaining to miss the obvious. Yet these games have caused a great deal of mistrust for all domain holders and sellers. And obviously it was one of your brokers or a Sedo employee who entered these into the auction knowing full well that these were not typos, not even actual words, cleverly hiding the accent mark into the downstroke of the letter "f" on one of them. These were total fabrications yet Sedo was trying to pass them off as IDN domains.

Meanwhile, legitimate domain portfolio holders are being totally ignored, Sedo is playing games, Sedo is pissing off buyers who may never trust another domain seller again, Sedo is pissing off its own customers by playing such games, not communicating, ignoring the customers needs, destroying a whole sector of IDN specialized domains, and creating an atmosphere of distrust among the very industry it serves.

Sedo is in the business of domain name business. How about acting like it. How about getting back to the basics and providing the basic customer service that any institution provides. In many cases, myself included, you have lost the trust and faith and confidence of the very customer base you serve. Perhaps losing my 3000 or so domains will be of little consequence to the Sedo empire, but I am sure I won't be the first and I am equally sure I won't be the last.

I have no time to play these games. One game of which lately each and every time I do email you or someone else I get an automated "out of the office" letter.

It appears to me that some folks need to spend a little more time in the office and provide some damage control and customer service.


Gerry Legere, CEO
MelGer, LLC


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
I think it's Oktoberfest in Germany. Or bike week in Florida? Not sure. Either way, lots of beer and polka songs. Domain transfers - what, me worry?


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Thread moved to sedo section


I don't know why you would post this publicly, but in any event I have taken the liberty of removing the ''auth code" from your letter.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Thread moved to sedo section


I don't know why you would post this publicly, but in any event I have taken the liberty of removing the ''auth code" from your letter.
Oops...my bad.

Thanks for looking out for one of your 'dumb'ainers. ;)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2006
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I just completed 2 sales on Sedo last week, one as a buyer and one as a seller...

The one as a seller took about 3 weeks for me to get my money ...and the domain was paid for and transfer put in within 24 hrs of the agreement being reached...I have no idea why the hold up when both sides had done their part right away (I can see a week to 10 days for the actual transfer).

The second transaction (as a buyer) went in a flash. My bid was accepted on a Friday, I paid within a minute of the bid being accepted. I chose the expedited transfer method and I received control of the domain the following Tuesday.

I think the big difference in the two transactions were the players in the transactions. In the first transaction (where I was the seller), both buyer and seller were DNF'ers/domainers, maybe a couple thousand domains between the two of us (not the biggest fish in the pond).

In the second transaction, I was buying the name from BuyDomains.com. Sedo seemed to be very efficient with this transaction.

It may have just been circumstance or random why the two transactions were (time wise) handled differently or with a different amount of care...but I have bought a few domains on sedo where buydomains.com was the seller and always, those are as smoothe as can be.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Not exactly an open letter as it has been emailed to several at Sedo USA and Sedo Germany.


I am absolutely fed up with Sedo.

Why? Because of BS like this.

Again, over a month since payment made. More than 2 weeks since I have entered the authorization codes and waiting on transfer. And again, no damn communication whatsoever. Why has the domain not been transferred?

Gee, I don't know. Let me go to my account and see what the holdup is. Oh, there's a message.

Transaction History:
02/05/07 Agreement reached
02/05/07 Please send us your payment for the domain. The invoice for this sale can be found here:
As soon as your payment reaches our escrow account we will inform you and the technical transfer can begin.
02/05/07 The seller of the domain has yet to confirm his personal details and contract type. Every effort is being made to contact the seller in order to get him to complete this information. Once this has been done, the transfer can proceed to the next stage.
02/06/07 We have received full payment for this domain. Please await further instructions from your transfer agent. It is often the case that we have to go through certain preliminary stages with the seller in order to prepare the domain for transfer, so please be patient during this period.
02/13/07 We have received the AUTH code from the seller. The AUTH code is:

03/05/07 In order to facilitate this transfer we have requested that the seller push the domain into our account at his registrar. Once the domain is in our account we shall unlock it and instruct you to put in a transfer request so that we can authorize it.

For crying out load, we have been over the same issues time and time again. My effort is falling on deaf ears at Sedo. No communication whatsoever. When was someone from Sedo going to update me on this domain? I'll tell you when...NOT!

Every transaction lately has taken over well over 30 days to complete. Whether I am the buyer of the seller. What is it, is there a trust fund set up somewhere that pays net 30 days for holding or tying up funds for 30 days?

Despite assurances time after time from you this continues to happen every time I do business with you. It is I who initiates contact rather than Sedo even bother to update me. Incompetent staff and even staff members lying to you that they have contacted me. Pathetic service that is hard to compare to anywhere.

This downward slide seemed to begin about the same time Sedo launched their acclaimed auction service. It also seems very apparent that due to this effort, Sedo has diverted much attention and staff to this sector...staff and attention that was perhaps once part of servicing their customer.

It should come as no surprise that Sedo is rapidly becoming the laughing stock of several of the domain forums. From the countless complaints of no communication or no response, to the fake IDN phishing domains...Sedo should be embarrassed as they continue to distance themselves from their customer base with poor service and games.

And while we are on the subject of laughing stock, that is how my portfolio revenues look thus far for the month of March.

3/1 ctr 8%
3/2 ctr 8%
3/3 ctr 8% $7.62
3/4 ctr 9% $6.56
3/4 ctr 6%

I have not seen number like that since I don't know when. Down to $12.72 avg. per day with a 7.8% CTR. Why such numbers? Because Sedo ain't cutting it. A CTR like that can only mean one thing...irrelevant content on the landing pages that nobody wants to look at.

Historically, my number one paying domain name...CTR in the 45% range, paying a low of $2.64 and a high of $9.47 for February...

3/1 ctr 8.9% 89cents
3/2 ctr 11.9% $1.29
3/3 ctr 15.33% $2.52
3/4 ctr 14.10% $1.44
3/5 ctr 7.94% 98 cents

Look at those pathetic numbers. For the month of March thus far...11.69% CTR with a grand total of $7.35 in revenue. A decrease in CTR of nearly 75% and in revenue nearly 80%. The traffic is still there. But in no time I will loose that traffic when that customer base keeps visiting the page but the content on the landing page is totally irrelevant and they just leave.

Why is it irrelevant? Because people like me who spend countless hours to tweak and optimize keywords are totally wasting our time as Sedo and it's infamous system does whatever the hell it wants to do and thinks it knows what is best for it's customers.

No only are the landing pages irrelevant, Sedo wastes my time by selecting a language. I am quite impressed that my Chinese IDN's are getting hits already when they are less than a week old. But why specify the language being in Chinese when I visit 数商店.com and it is all in English. Again, more time wasted. Countless hours wasted.

Yes, time and time again we have been over these issues. And time and time again my ego and portfolio is stroked by your words and reassurances offered. What are we up to now? 5 free feature listings for the sake of placating me? Is it any surprise that I have not taken you up on this offer?

How many times since the implementation of the auction service have I asked a broker contact me? And how many times has a broker contacted me? I guess the brokers and the staff at Sedo have been too busy with the bullshit IDN names and trying to collect from the outraged bidders who have been scammed. Why one of the supposed industry leaders wants to concoct and perpetrate a game like that is beyond me. Chances many of the bidders were new to the field of domaining to miss the obvious. Yet these games have caused a great deal of mistrust for all domain holders and sellers. And obviously it was one of your brokers or a Sedo employee who entered these into the auction knowing full well that these were not typos, not even actual words, cleverly hiding the accent mark into the downstroke of the letter "f" on one of them. These were total fabrications yet Sedo was trying to pass them off as IDN domains.

Meanwhile, legitimate domain portfolio holders are being totally ignored, Sedo is playing games, Sedo is pissing off buyers who may never trust another domain seller again, Sedo is pissing off its own customers by playing such games, not communicating, ignoring the customers needs, destroying a whole sector of IDN specialized domains, and creating an atmosphere of distrust among the very industry it serves.

Sedo is in the business of domain name business. How about acting like it. How about getting back to the basics and providing the basic customer service that any institution provides. In many cases, myself included, you have lost the trust and faith and confidence of the very customer base you serve. Perhaps losing my 3000 or so domains will be of little consequence to the Sedo empire, but I am sure I won't be the first and I am equally sure I won't be the last.

I have no time to play these games. One game of which lately each and every time I do email you or someone else I get an automated "out of the office" letter.

It appears to me that some folks need to spend a little more time in the office and provide some damage control and customer service.


Gerry Legere, CEO
MelGer, LLC

message deleted - not posted by me, i don't misspell words, and wouldn't say this. Also certain deletions made by the original poster of his quoted text above at his request.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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The moment you need an "inside contact" to achieve what's deemed to be normal business at a company, you know that service is the pits.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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The moment you need an "inside contact" to achieve what's deemed to be normal business at a company, you know that service is the pits.
Well put. I should not have to go "above and beyond" the routine service members to get routine service offered.

good job. If you need inside contact to Sedo, let me know and I'll make sure you get your issues resolved.

Thank you for the support you have expressed. Hopefully matters can be resolved on a lower level simply by people doing their job.

I would also like to publicly apologize for the inclusion of the recipient's name. Obviously, this was very poor editing on my part, as the mod pointed out, I even included the transfer code in my letter in haste. Please excuse this unprofessional lapse on my part

This is absurd:
Dear xxxxx xxxxx,

In order to expedite this transfer I have created an account for you at the seller’s registrar, Go Daddy. Go Daddy has a policy that a domain that is updated within the past sixty days is not available for transfer outside of the registrar for sixty days following this date. You can view the ‘last updated on’ date in a WHOIS report. This domain met these parameters. The domain has been pushed to the Go Daddy account I have created for you. Please note your following login information.

ID: xxxxxxxxx

PW: xxxxxxxx

For security purposes, please change this password as soon as you have logged in. Again, I need to make it abundantly clear that you control and own the domain, but cannot transfer it for sixty days following today’s date. Thank you for working with us and please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or concerns that you might have.

Best regards,



I did not want it to go to GoDaddy. Yet you take it upon yourself to create a GoDaddy account for me (when I already have one) just so you can be done with this issue?

That is why I paid a transfer fee at Moniker weeks ago and entered the transfer code that you submitted to me...weeks ago.

I have a great disdain for GoDaddy and I am in the process of closing out my account there.

Absolutely pathetic attention and service. If simple instructions can not be followed then we have some serious issues. It is only after once again, that I am outraged at these transactions that anything gets done.

Refund the money for this purchase immediately.


Gerry Legere, CEO
MelGer, LLC


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Hire more employee's maybe?


Hi Gerry

I sent you a PM with a detailed specific response to your transfer.

In this particular instance I have to say that there were other factors that were out of hands which caused the delay.

With domain transfers there are many variables that effect the time it takes for it to be completed.

Not all sellers or buyers will always act on our instructions immediately. We also have to abide by the particular rules and regulations of the registrars involved which can vary a lot.

However, I would like to stress this to everyone, please call your transfer agent if you have a question. Their telephone numbers are on their email signature. You can also PM me here and I can look into it for you.




Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Gerry

I sent you a PM with a detailed specific response to your transfer.

In this particular instance I have to say that there were other factors that were out of hands which caused the delay.

With domain transfers there are many variables that effect the time it takes for it to be completed.

Not all sellers or buyers will always act on our instructions immediately. We also have to abide by the particular rules and regulations of the registrars involved which can vary a lot.

However, I would like to stress this to everyone, please call your transfer agent if you have a question. Their telephone numbers are on their email signature. You can also PM me here and I can look into it for you.



Got the PM and replied to same.

It is truly is a shame to have to air these matters out in public.

I, too, have an email address, physical address, and phone number on file with Sedo. Any form of update would have been most welcome...in any of the past several transactions.

Thank you for your time.




The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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However, I would like to stress this to everyone, please call your transfer agent if you have a question. Their telephone numbers are on their email signature. You can also PM me here and I can look into it for you.



Tom, while I appreciate the fact that domainers are able to call you; this does however negate any documented conversations.

All domain trasactions form part of a legal contract, once you start to introduce telephone calls you potentially remove key information from the paper trail.

I would advise all sellers and buyers to insist on documented responses.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
Responses via DNF's PM system are unacceptable. I don't even bother acknowledging them. I have a registered email with Sedo and my personal cellphone as well. Sedo's issues are perpetuating for months. For a company of this size and inventory, Sedo is casting hubris upon its very members.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Sedo have evidenced themselves as underperformers; both in practise and in their lack of ingenuity in accounting for themselves in regard to massive numbers of complaints here. I emailed them a week ago and asked them if they'd like to broker my portfolio of ~700 domains. Nil by mouth.
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