This is a developers name...It will take lots of hard work, a strong business model & a strong team for support. There is stiff competition in this area and the perfect enduser is going to be very hard to find. I agree that many firms with a good model and backing use a brandable in this my opinion, that opens the door for competition - specifically a new comer with a good plan, funding & support - and this this domain will help them earn instant cred....this type of new comer does not come along every day.
Bottom line, I would not sell this for less than 10k...but really, I would look to partner with a firm who may have all the pieces except for being well funded enough to afford the domain. I would also look for lease deals where the lease is really, really reasonable - but the buy out may not it will give a start up a chance to give it a go - and if it works out you both win - if it does not work out - they have not spent their life savings and you made more than parking and still have your name (with additional traffic).
Good luck.