I am sorry, i can not disclose the URL at this time. It is not a porn site, nor is it an MP3 site. Its a computer gaming / hardware review, etc. site. We are starting to sell hardware this month. We wanted to get a good userbase before we started selling. So far this month, we have a reported 760,000 unique IPs thats not counting return visits, etc. By hits i meant visitors, not page views or anything like that. Problem with IPs is the dynamic IP assignment for modem users. You can have the smae ip and several different people and reversed. I am in now way considering selling the website, just asking for estimated value for the future. Once we reach 5 million i will give you the URL as well.
Thanks on the siteoven.com - we are finishing up the website at this time. We are a web design, marketing and promotion company. You give us your idea and we package it up and create your image. Great idea on the email notification form - will do. We are simply overrun with clients, we are finishing up two hosting companies as well as several portals and private clients.