The percentage of UDRP cases that aren't dotcom is very low for a reason. Dotcom is King. This is a decent name, in that Oxy is slang for Oxycontin, I believe, which has a tremendous following and a huge group of users. The logical thing to do would to have some type of site related to that. Just like there are numerous Apple, IPod, and IPhone related sites, you could have one for Oxycontin. The challenge is to turn it into a money-making site without infringing on the trademark. The Apple sites are always potentially at risk, for obvious reasons, but this one would likely fly under the radar, since you would never be able to sell Oxycontin from there, anyways (without risk of jail).
I guess this is a decent name, but if the name of the game is to make money, then you still have lots of work to do. Your best shot might be to see if there are some Oxycontin related forums/discussion groups out there, and then try to sell it to one of those people. If you try to develop it yourself those hours start adding up pretty quickly, and time is money.