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parked doesnt approve account

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Domain Days 2024


Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2004
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Happened to me too. I dont think it is a traffic standard or sth, as I use 7 or 8 services, (Sedo Pro as well) with my ccTLDs and my traffic is standard for this ccTLD.
The other thing is that they want to know your portfolio while registering but I gave only a few examples because I've got no such habit to show everything I owe. (maybe you did the same?). They also earn using my domains so I am not going to ask forever!
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Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 11, 2004
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They do not like TMs so if you put TMs in your samples... then they will most likely not accept you... also the quality matters... if you have a bunch of domains like matchsticks.com ... product is worth 10 cents... no ads or not much potential for the company...


Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2004
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I gave them 10 ccTLD domains, each with traffic over 100/day, no TM, etc. I can park them with any other service!


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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You should of been posted this in the "Parked" section of the Forum, You should ask the mods to move it so a rep from Parked can join in.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
May 25, 2006
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It is an automated process, so if your account is not approved, just email our support staff (please include your information such as the username or email address), and we would be more than happy to take a look at your account.



Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2004
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It is an automated process, so if your account is not approved, just email our support staff (please include your information such as the username or email address), and we would be more than happy to take a look at your account.


So, could you please show us some criteria this automated process applies?

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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hookah - It's a multi-process automated system. It takes into consideration about 100 different things, some of them include the domain, the gtld, the age of the domain, where is the domain today, the registrar, the day of the week, the browser somebody was using, and about 95 other things. You basically get a few points for a lot of different things. Some are weighed a lot heavier than others.

Remember that if you only put in 10 domains, we have no idea how much traffic you have, so we are relying on a very small amount of information.

If you feel that your account wasn't approved, please PM me with your username/email that you applied with and I'll take a look at it.


Sonny Banks

<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Parked don't approve crap domains.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2004
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hookah - It's a multi-process automated system. It takes into consideration about 100 different things, some of them include the domain, the gtld, the age of the domain, where is the domain today, the registrar, the day of the week, the browser somebody was using, and about 95 other things. You basically get a few points for a lot of different things. Some are weighed a lot heavier than others.

Remember that if you only put in 10 domains, we have no idea how much traffic you have, so we are relying on a very small amount of information.

If you feel that your account wasn't approved, please PM me with your username/email that you applied with and I'll take a look at it.


How do you know from 100 domains what traffic I've got if you dont know it from 10 domains? You dont estimate just these 10 domains? Alexa, links, frequency, etc.? Why you need 100 domains if you cant manage 10 in appropriate way?

This is from your introduction:

Parked.com can handle all domain parking needs, whether you are looking to park 10 domains or 10,000 domains, let us show you why parking domains is very easy.

So, what's the point?

You know, my portfolio changes monthly, I sell I buy. I cant guarantee that I'll park all domains you've just analized during my registration.
Is there any traffic minimum - lets say 5k visits/day?
Do you know what a crap people park there? Have you got it under control? They just send you their best names (sure they did OK) for account registration and now they park all they've got. I think it is normal because this is a very flexible business - crap domain now can be a gold one after week or so. How you estimate what is crap and what is not in my language (which is not english)? Some years ago I registered names, crap names, which are now 'gold domains' with a nice traffic only because tempora mutantur. Etc. etc.
I dont believe in your system at all. I know you dont care but I dont care either. This is your business, your system and your decisions.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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hookah - Yes, I can tell the quality of your domains based on looking at them. Let's say you have a domain that you purchased yesterday, it was a .com and it has 3 hyphens in the domain. What is that domain worth? 0. Will it have any natural traffic? No. If it does, it's probably fake. So these are the kind of things that we do internally when we look at a portfolio.

Another way of looking at it, is would I be interested in buying the portfolio and for what? So if somebody comes in with with 50 dictionary based random gtld and cctld domains, I will definitely be interested.

If somebody brings in 100 domains, and 50 of them show the owners information and the other 50 don't, does the owner own 50 domains and they are "using" 50 domains from somebody else or do they really own all 100 of them and only half are being private whois.

So there are thousands of ways to value a domain/portfolio/application. Our system isn't perfect, but it's pretty good, that's why I asked you to send me a PM and I would look at your application.

Crap domains are always crap domains and I own thousands of them. The difference is whether a crap domain has traffic or not. Then you have either a piece of crap or a piece of money making crap.

I do believe in our system, I do believe in our business, we have over 10,000 active customers today, and all of them have gone through the same process to get an account with us.

Remember one thing, if you walked into my office we could sit down and talk, I could learn all about your business, about your domains, about you personally. But online, I don't have any idea who you are, so when you signup with us, basically you are filling out an application, introducing yourself, telling us about your business. So if you only have 10 domains, just tell us you have 10 domains, if you have 1000 (today) then tell us.


Sonny Banks

<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Parked is the best PPC company out there.
Donny said only the truth.
Crap is crap and Parked is for Pros.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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One other thing, that doesn't really ever come up in a thread, but if somebody asks me via PM to look at their account if they have been rejected. The first thing I do is check to see how many posts they have on here. If you have 150 or more I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.



Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2004
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hookah - Yes, I can tell the quality of your domains based on looking at them. Let's say you have a domain that you purchased yesterday, it was a .com and it has 3 hyphens in the domain. What is that domain worth? 0. Will it have any natural traffic? No. If it does, it's probably fake. So these are the kind of things that we do internally when we look at a portfolio.

You're talking about .com or so, I'm talking about ccTLDs. You're giving a close to nonsense example of multi-dashed domains what explains nothing and is not worth to even talk to.

Another way of looking at it, is would I be interested in buying the portfolio and for what? So if somebody comes in with with 50 dictionary based random gtld and cctld domains, I will definitely be interested.

If somebody brings in 100 domains, and 50 of them show the owners information and the other 50 don't, does the owner own 50 domains and they are "using" 50 domains from somebody else or do they really own all 100 of them and only half are being private whois.

Dont understand why are you arguing in that way. It is obvious, that somebody parks domains he/she owes or has right to administrate. Still, whats the point? Make your mind and dont advertise to us about parking 10 or 10000 domains. Why you ask in the registration about enumerating 'Some of your Domains'. Just say: 'please list at least 100 domains from your portfolio'! And everything is clear.

So there are thousands of ways to value a domain/portfolio/application. Our system isn't perfect, but it's pretty good, that's why I asked you to send me a PM and I would look at your application.

Crap domains are always crap domains and I own thousands of them. The difference is whether a crap domain has traffic or not. Then you have either a piece of crap or a piece of money making crap.

I do believe in our system, I do believe in our business, we have over 10,000 active customers today, and all of them have gone through the same process to get an account with us.

Remember one thing, if you walked into my office we could sit down and talk, I could learn all about your business, about your domains, about you personally. But online, I don't have any idea who you are, so when you signup with us, basically you are filling out an application, introducing yourself, telling us about your business. So if you only have 10 domains, just tell us you have 10 domains, if you have 1000 (today) then tell us.


For the last few years I spend hours daily watching searches scrolling down my screen continuously in a real time. These are REAL TIME searches, lets say 150/min, 24h/7 days. If you do so for such a long time, you'd be able to quickly notice and estimate what's going on in the internet in this country. In What people start to be interested in, what is ending, what's new, what's old and well-known, etc. You'd be able to catch some domain names before a real type-in traffic starts. This are not just nice expressions but names based on real and so actual searches. It let you register quite a good number of names monthly but half of them can be worth keeping, lets say. I've registered thousands of such names. Also, you become familiar with search trends. You can use your nose (even concerning dash domains) or your automatic estimator to more popular TLDs but not to many ccTLD (even despite of such important factor as language limitation). If you know future events, new products, new trends, etc., if you know actual searches, you can risk and register some good domains with type-in traffic COMING SOON. In many cases I can guarantee as this is over 9 years I am in this business. In many but not all - nobody is perfect and traffic domaining is really hard and risky work. And remember one thing - I'll not walk to your office as I leave thousands miles from your place. So if you apply some preliminary criteria for joining your service, please give an extended info what you expect and what not. It will save our and your time.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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hookah - This has turned into a total mess for absolutely no reason. Our process is very simple and in many cases much easier than other parking companies. I know because just two weeks ago one of our programmers took about 1000 domains and went and tried to sign up with all of the large parking companies. He got approved by most of them, but not all. Even with 1000 premium domains. So as of right now I can pretty much guarantee that if you only had 10 domains you would only get approved by 2 companies and both use Google feeds. We did this test to see how our processes compared to others and in about 75% of the cases we were much easier to get in the door than others.

We don't tell people that they have to list 100 domains, because some people can get approved with 10 domains, some with 50, some with 5000, or some with 50,000. It just depends on the person and the domains. If somebody brings in googlemaps.it or maps.it, obviously googlemaps.it will have more traffic than maps.it, will make more money than maps.it, but it's still a trademark. So I would want to have the domain googlemaps.it less in our system than maps.it.

If you can find some decent "new" domains, I'm all happy for you. It's not very easy to do today and not step on any lawyers toes. And just so you know our system does also look at news feeds for popular topics as well when scoring domains.

One last thing and I'll be done with this topic. Even after somebody gets approved, and somebody comes in and adds 20 other domains, we do score each of those domains as well. It helps us to better understand why lakjsdlkj-asldj888-xx.info (just an example) is making $50 a day and we value the domain at 0. The system then learns based on this and shares all of the information across the system. This allows us to look at a cutomer and be able to better understand how a single domain or their entire portfolio should do based on historical information.

I did find your application, based on the 12 domains that you provided to us, I would have to agree with the systems decision, but because you have posted as many times as you have on dnforum, I would give you an account if you wanted one. The problem is based on our estimates of where your traffic will be coming from, personally if I were you I would stay with Sedo. The coverage we have in your home country is very limited and one of the Google based providers would probably provide better coverage in those markets.



Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2004
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I did find your application, based on the 12 domains that you provided to us, I would have to agree with the systems decision, but because you have posted as many times as you have on dnforum...


Donsimon: it is not difficult to understand - I typed just a few random domains having some traffic. I was not aware what are your demands and what you estimate in fact. Just wanted to check up how domains with any traffic are doing with Parked. I hope it is clear. I test many domains monthly (for 2 weeks) and drop 80% of them. It is normal. This is the best way of eliminating names with no future.
I dont know what you mean by '..you have posted as many times as you have on dnforum... '. As I remember I applied 2 times to Parked ?? Anyway, it is not a topic now. I just expect a full info from such a service as yours so as not to waste my time. Some services make it clear: we concentrate on .coms only, we concentrate on premium domains only...etc. etc. This I understand.

You know very well - some domains get a few $/click, some have a few cents/click: If I get 30k clicks/month from my domains I am satisfied. Dont expect more from ccTLDs (in general).

Dr Nump

Call me Doc !
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 2, 2006
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Why dont you just simple PM donsimon your application and stop this useless thread ?
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