Maybe you can post your domain names here and parking on sedo first.
If they are really nice domains name, some people will contact you!
I've more than 400+ domains. Most of them park on SEDO.
I've park most of my domains on Sedo too, except most of my IDNs Unicode domain names, as Sedo's system do not support them at present.
And I'd also like to find some website to parking those IDNs domain names... :shy:
DomainHop and Sedo don't require that you have a lot of domains. I've had pretty good luck with both. Most others want either a certain number of domains or a certain amount of traffic.
Just wait for several days.
I'm developing a free parking system which provides two page for each domain name.
The first page will provided some web site templaes with a screen editable region for domain owner. You can join some affiliate program and post the affiliate links on it. The second is a frame which will redirect to sedo parking page.
All these services are free.