Develop, develop and develop!!!
Find a niche you know well and either buy an OK domain though a secondary market (Sedo, here, TDNAM, etc..) or find a domain that really matches your niche, if it's really good then you should be OK with a .org, .net, .us, or .info. Don't spend too much on a domain (expect to "lose" this money for several months).
Developt it and put ads on it though Adsense. Get at least 2-5 pages of good and original content. Also, if you have friends and are looking to sell the domain / site for a profit down the road, and they know the niche well, many will be willing to help you out and write articles for a % of the selling price (I'm offering 5% to one friend of mine) or even something as simple as a case of beer.
Tweak and optomize it for search engines and ad revenue. When it is done, get another domain and build it up from there. Rinse and repeat.