Transferred domain to guy. He has them. He filed dispute requesting a refund. I will honor refund but if I accept the refund on paypal is their any protection for him to return the domain? Not sure how to handle it. The guy of course changed the servers and is profiting from the traffic while requesting refund, so don't really trust that much. Any advice would be appreciated.
As I understand it, Paypal will not settle the dispute in his favor as it is not a tangible item at issue.
They will likely recommend you settle the matter with buyer and vice versa.
I may be wrong but in the past this was their stance.
In the future, it will help having a well thought out policy that stipulates no refunds or conditions for a full refund on your site that the buyer must agree to abide by. This will discourage scammers and will add to you case if an impartial third party must negotiate a dispute.
Hope this is helpful and that it wasn't a large amount.
All the best.
P.S. Don't give a refund, unless you get your domains back. State your case in the dispute console on Paypal and wait for Paypal's response.