These names are worth the same with or without the scandal. What you have here are two names that make sense if you were interested in developing a forum. However, every moment you spend trying to sell them, or even thinking about them, will cut into any profit you will ever get. If you listed them here you might not get a bid for $5, but unlike many names I see, these are functional and make sense.
Names like these work best when included with a bunch of other similar names on your list. They are not worth any significant time, and are really dangerous in that regard, since the best case scenario is still a low XXX sale at best.
If you have 100 or so similar names and park them at Sedo, or somewhere else with a For Sale link, then you might just get a handful of sales per year to pay for renewals, and hopefully turn a small profit, so you can invest in more similar names. When I say similar names, I am talking about any name that makes sense for a site, but have low ceilings on the price you will get, and aren't appealing to general domainers. The key, or problem, is that these names don't ever have to be sold. The right mindset to have is to think of it as a 10-year deal. If you renew the name for 10 years, and invest $100, are you almost certain to be able to sell it for $200 during that time?
These names don't have the chance to change anyone's life, and nobody will ever HAVE to have these names, so that is a bad thing. But they are far better than many names listed in this section. The less time you spend on them the better. If they had great appeal, someone would have emailed you an offer. That is how it works.