Are those appraisals you paid a professional appraiser to conduct? just checking... Did they send you the official certificate & all the 'make ya feel good' things?
i hope you did not pay for those appraisals... I did way back 3 yrs ago.. on a few.. then no more.. they were not realistic, and it didn't help me sell any of those appraised names... and the 'feel good' went away REAL FAST.. you'll see!
Now & are my picks.. here's why:
* odd, NOT BORING, easy recall... intriging enough to arouse curiousity in any means of advertising... it is a name that 'moves' people..
NOW.. i didn't say it MOVED them in a POSITIVE nature. (i have a few of those names too)...
but rather that it MOVED people... and that's the kind of 'emotional impact' your wanting... moved people will will visit the site. no doubt.
* If a made up phrase is not a natural type into a search box.. then the NAME.. needs to have such creativity, that it will drive in traffic with it's 'cleverness & sass' & should have easy recall.. no misspell.. that's what The CatDinner PKG does!
I have no clue on content type for this name...
** You could have gotten 100 FREE appraisals a DAY at AfterNic... and you would have 'really felt good'...
with $250,000 EASY MONEY..
(not from me though) appraisals.
but.. Anic is gone... fired all their appraisers...