A name like this has a very limited market of end users, however, they will pay easily 250 to 500 a month to use IF
IF you do some minor content and seo on it, and pop it on google for these terms
Then you call the real estate companies buying ppc for real estate terms in pittsburg and all the guys on page 2 to 10 of google and say
I have a web site on page one ALREADY of google for your keyword, 'pittsburgh real estate (agent)
You may be able to pop easily pittsburg real estate by itself with this, if only the four word combo pops it's 250 a month to a realtor, if the pitt RE three word combo pops, big money maker, easily 500 to 1000 a month income for you from any realtor in pitt area who is in business and
a. buying ppc on google
b. paying some local nobody seo company for bad work and no results for big terms on page 1
you got a regional keyword combo in a high value tld
so real value is in the income it can easily produce with minor work
the formula we use is
36xmonthlyincome or 72xmonthlyincome
the book value as an income asset is the 72 multiple
the let's sell this once we have income value is the 36 multiple
so the value of this IF you decide to do minor development is 36x250to1000
if you get income going you can show it as an asset on your books for 72x250to1000
undeveloped reseller value it has minor value
mid xx to low xxx
if not just reg fees
but to an end user once it is on page 1, it's worth 250 to 1000 a month
and it totally depends on IF you hit google for pittsburgh real estate or pittsburgh real estate agent(s)
oh, you also need to learn the tricks of building a high response ratio squeeze page for them
you learn that and give google the type of content they want
a minor investment in some time, you have a nice little money maker
undeveloped very little value
developed, it's a bread and butter income producer
you sign up one agent, you put his number and email on the squeeze page
you use HD video on youtube as the pitch
the page will hit page 1 at google easily
it will get calls and emails
so a realty will gladly pay a developer monthly for a page that works
then you can up-sell the page to tie to his map listing and also charge him 15% to 25% a month to manage a ppc budget going to the page YOU OWN
we do it all the time, our clients usually PAY US to send TRAFFIC TO OUR SITES so they get calls
because they look at adwords as an expense, they all want cheap adwords
once you learn the tricks of adwords you can cut his costs up to 25% or 50%
and the key is the work you do goes to high response pages
so what I just gave you is a business outline to make more money off this name than you ever dreamed of
We have a whole portfolio of domains that do this business model
So to me, that's the value
undeveloped very little value
a little development, it is a constant money maker
so put it on page 1 and then when you have organic seo money, map listing money and a 15% to 25% monthly income to manage the realtor you land, you can then offer it here in the income producing section with a ask of 36X's the income, speculators will probably want to pay 6 to 12 or 18 months
Why would you sell a rental property, and yes, the guy you find to pay for organic on this will 100% agree to pay more for maps and ppc management, once you explain you can land them 3 spots on page 1 of google with this keyword
not a fan of pittsburgh, and not a fan of four word combos, but since pittsburgh is a minor city in the USA (not even top 25 if I remember right) very few major developers are hitting google for pittsburgh high value cpc terms
real estate
these are the big three keywords in seo development in most markets
insurance cpc ranges from 15 to 50 cpc
lawyer is 10 to 20 cpc term
real estate is a 5 to 10 cpc term in most markets, but pittsburgh.... probably way less
but they have people living in pittsburgh, they have real estate agents
so while it's a blue collar town, you can get 250 to 1000 a month if you squeeze it
now same term with a high cpc city in front
double or triple the numbers above
undeveloped reg fee to mid xx or low xxx
developed = monthly revenue x 36 to 72 months
we don't develop in pittsburgh ourselves
but what we do in other markets will work the same in pittsburgh
so very little value undeveloped
nice monthly income stream if developed then it has a simple value based purely on how much money you can squeeze out of a local realtor in pittsburgh
solid term to learn the seo and ip asset rental and development game
as long as you can stick an exact match keyword term on page 1 google, then learn some basic map skills and ppc, you have 3 revenue streams off this simple domain
oh, owning the pair is a good match, now you got two clients in pittsburgh or you give your first client an offer to have the plural at 50% up-sell
IP development is the key