Joker didn't tell you this but I will, This thread is a spill over from the political section,
This is a classic example of Joker not taking the heat, his new outlet is to post threads looking for reassurance from others..... Pretty pathetic :disappointed: The fact is, this Joker dude has been flaming my threads for over 6 months now and I'm not going to take it anymore, I reported it to the mods about 4 months ago and it still continues....
He goes into my threads and rather than participating in the discussion, he flames the thread directed at me to illicit a response, and when that doesn't work, he'll flame it again with more intensity... He's even trashed me in threads I'm NOT even subscribed to, And I have to ask myself why? Is it because I'm Conservative and he's Liberal? or is this some kind of sexist male ego thing?
I personally feel it's the latter.