----- Original Message -----
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 10:52 PM
Subject: RE: Money
Andrew -
As you mentioned in your e-mail, Affiliate fees are due within 30 days of the calendar month in which they are earned. That is, fees earned in July 2003 are due and payable no later than August 30, 2003.
Your affiliate account, R-AAACR, only began earning fees in August, with approximate earnings to date of $**** USD.
These fees, and any additional fees earned during the month of August, are due to be paid on or before September 30, 2003. We will make every attempt to pay the affiliates once month-end processing is complete, rather than wait for the deadline date.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected].
Joyce Corey, CGA
Project Accountant
43 Auriga Drive
Ottawa, ON
K2E 7Y8
613 768 5100, ext. 249