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PPC Arbitrage & Google's Double Standard

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Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2006
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With a very quick scan of the net, you can spot numerous "big league domainers", engaged in various forms of ppc arbitrage. The spectrum covers everything, from AdSense and YPN arbitrage, to domain parking arbitrage. Some of this arbitrage is occurring in some extremely shady areas of the net, places where an everyday Joe would lose his PPC account literally in a matter of hours, via automated click fraud detection. Yet, month after month, year after year, the same "big league domainers", continue to reap the same big arbitrage profits, and their accounts remain active and unscathed.

From the research I've done, Google is the primary benefactor of this arbitrage, meaning 75% of the ad feeds I've seen running are coming from Google feeds. Now, I know for a fact that all of these big league domainers / big time arbitragers, have premium rep assigned accounts with Google. Problem is, Google's propaganda machine has been working over time lately, and they keep saying "no more arbitrage, it's bad for advertisers, bad for users, and bad for search", but yet we see arbitrage flourishing out in the open, just the bottom 20% of the food chain appears to have been recently cut out.

I'm continuing to see a worsening slide in the PPC industry with regard to the level of disparity between those with rights, and those without rights, roughly translated "you're account has be deactivated for invalid clicks, now piss off", vs "do whatever you want with your premium ppc account, we'll have your rep clean up the mess in the morning". Is this big business being big business, how should I interpret this situation, anyone care to enlighten me?
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