We did a major update few days ago of our premium domain certification service. In fact the first since his launch.
I posted about it in NamePros and DNForum but in DNForum the thread was imediately deleted by a moderator because it was not in the good section I think.
We have recalculated the domain score of the 774,366 domains submitted at and the Premium Domain certification updated.
This new release gives much weight to readability in the scoring and TLD values have been revised.
I think you have to take into consideration the rarity factor and also more importantly the extension...I don't think the score necessarily means "more money" but is a collective scoring of many factors...francois is this correct?
The problem we noticed after having valuated so many domains is that most of the CcTLDs had a so low TLD score that they can only have a decent scoring for the most popular generic names, which was absurd.
It's not an exact science, we simply try to modelize as better as we can.
Hope that helps.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators