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President Election

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Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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I assume you are asking about the American election? It is Nov. 2


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2004
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Unfortunetly Bush will win, you can bet ya life on it.

Another 4 years of him for the world.


Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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Ross1982 said:
Unfortunetly Bush will win, you can bet ya life on it.

Another 4 years of him for the world.


Don't be so sure...


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2004
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Unfortunetly I am as sure as sure can be, as much as I would like to be wrong I can't see me being on this one.

I will gladly admit to being wrong if he doesn't get elected, in fact, if he doesn't I will send you 500dnf$, that's how sure I am.

Ok, so it's only 500, but still.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2004
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I think Kerry will win because I see 3x more signs with his name :wink:


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 27, 2002
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No matter who wins, we all lose. It's either Duh-bull-ya or Duh-bull-speak. So which is the lesser of two evils? The hard headed patriotic nit wit who promises to stay on the offensive? Or the higly articulate chameleon attorney that changes colors to blend into every political environment and appease every detractors whim to win a vote. This is even worse than Gore vs Bush. Ugh

I hope Bush wins just to piss off Chiraq, our so called ally, who was obviously trying to save Saddams butt for a few $bill in sweetheart deals, maybe becaue he was knee deep in 04F scam. But still, isn't it amazing how the price of Oil has risen 60% with an oil heir in the White House? Coincidence? Maybe. It's almost like middle America is being scammed by the Suadis, the Arabic powers in general, and the Oil interests, to keep prices high. Persistent threats, Terror, Nuclear Proliferation, War, phony WMD intel, and the perfect scapegoat at the Helm in America. A dumb oil kid guided by powerful Hawks. This aint about religion. Its all about Power. Oil and POWER, because Oil IS POWER. Religion is the excuse, the smokescreen. Terror, based on that religion, is the ploy. What a scam. Attack AMerica in the name of religius fervor. (what other reason, excuse could they possibly use?) America freaks out and speaks out, goes on the offensive, gets drawn into war/s, according to the plan. Former threat Saddam becomes a scapegoat, based on convenient Phony Intel provided by, hmmmm, Russia, France, UN. Entire US Government falls for it. Unwittingly, America calls Frances bluff, and goes to war, and perhaps AMericans will now realize that France, or at least Chiracs government, is no longer our ally. In all this turmoil, (TermOIL) OIl speculators bet on Americans fears in he name of high oil futures. Termoil, planned or otherwise, in Oil regions around the Globe strain supply. Iran bakes yellow cake for future card party., as they too want to play ther hand.

Better yet, I hope Kerry wins so he can prove he is a LIAR. He looked right into that camera and said, he will not raise my taxes. "read my lips" ring a bell? I hope he gets the chance to prove that. I think that guy will say anything to get my vote. If he thinks France, China, Russia, are gonna cuddle Uncle Sam cuz he defeated Bush, he's gonna find out the hard way. THEY HATE US. (or at least our presidents) Its like Those leaders ENvy the Power of the US Presidents office, to the point where thay are willing to double cross and stab us in the back. And the Evil doers got to love the Divided States right about now. Mr K is playing RIGHT INTO thier plan.

Bush and Kerry are absolutely two of the least ideal people to be running this country. Where are all the GREAT leaders? Amazing, 300 million Americans, and we get stuck with these two. When I was growing up, presidents were considered GREAT men. The world has changed indeed, as I see hardly a leader in this entire World I would consider Great in comparison to leaders of the past. Reagan may have been the last of the Mohicans for the US. Chirac. Enough said. Putin. Dictator in waiting. On and On and ON, everywhere you look, you see mediocrity in our world leaders, and the United Nations is a JOKE, a true coalition of the bribed, the coerced. Save your domain money folks. Almost anything can happen in the next 4 years. I believe we have only seen the beginning. And I hope I am wrong too.

Hope to see ya in four years for McCain vs Hillary. Yeehah.

Thanks for the chance to rant. Now spew your venom.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 30, 2004
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NexSite said:
No matter who wins, we all lose. It's either Duh-bull-ya or Duh-bull-speak. So which is the lesser of two evils? The hard headed patriotic nit wit who promises to stay on the offensive? Or the higly articulate chameleon attorney that changes colors to blend into every political environment and appease every detractors whim to win a vote. This is even worse than Gore vs Bush. Ugh

I hope Bush wins just to piss off Chiraq, our so called ally, who was obviously trying to save Saddams butt for a few $bill in sweetheart deals, maybe becaue he was knee deep in 04F scam. But still, isn't it amazing how the price of Oil has risen 60% with an oil heir in the White House? Coincidence? Maybe. It's almost like middle America is being scammed by the Suadis, the Arabic powers in general, and the Oil interests, to keep prices high. Persistent threats, Terror, Nuclear Proliferation, War, phony WMD intel, and the perfect scapegoat at the Helm in America. A dumb oil kid guided by powerful Hawks. This aint about religion. Its all about Power. Oil and POWER, because Oil IS POWER. Religion is the excuse, the smokescreen. Terror, based on that religion, is the ploy. What a scam. Attack AMerica in the name of religius fervor. (what other reason, excuse could they possibly use?) America freaks out and speaks out, goes on the offensive, gets drawn into war/s, according to the plan. Former threat Saddam becomes a scapegoat, based on convenient Phony Intel provided by, hmmmm, Russia, France, UN. Entire US Government falls for it. Unwittingly, America calls Frances bluff, and goes to war, and perhaps AMericans will now realize that France, or at least Chiracs government, is no longer our ally. In all this turmoil, (TermOIL) OIl speculators bet on Americans fears in he name of high oil futures. Termoil, planned or otherwise, in Oil regions around the Globe strain supply. Iran bakes yellow cake for future card party., as they too want to play ther hand.

Better yet, I hope Kerry wins so he can prove he is a LIAR. He looked right into that camera and said, he will not raise my taxes. "read my lips" ring a bell? I hope he gets the chance to prove that. I think that guy will say anything to get my vote. If he thinks France, China, Russia, are gonna cuddle Uncle Sam cuz he defeated Bush, he's gonna find out the hard way. THEY HATE US. (or at least our presidents) Its like Those leaders ENvy the Power of the US Presidents office, to the point where thay are willing to double cross and stab us in the back. And the Evil doers got to love the Divided States right about now. Mr K is playing RIGHT INTO thier plan.

Bush and Kerry are absolutely two of the least ideal people to be running this country. Where are all the GREAT leaders? Amazing, 300 million Americans, and we get stuck with these two. When I was growing up, presidents were considered GREAT men. The world has changed indeed, as I see hardly a leader in this entire World I would consider Great in comparison to leaders of the past. Reagan may have been the last of the Mohicans for the US. Chirac. Enough said. Putin. Dictator in waiting. On and On and ON, everywhere you look, you see mediocrity in our world leaders, and the United Nations is a JOKE, a true coalition of the bribed, the coerced. Save your domain money folks. Almost anything can happen in the next 4 years. I believe we have only seen the beginning. And I hope I am wrong too.

Hope to see ya in four years for McCain vs Hillary. Yeehah.

Thanks for the chance to rant. Now spew your venom.

I'm speechless.. you've just about entirely summed up my take on the election as well.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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NexSite, where is your column in the NY Times?

great post and I completely agree with what you said


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2003
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Hey said:
I think Kerry will win because I see 3x more signs with his name :wink:

Apparently you havent been to the South :approve:

Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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rawkinrich said:
Slight appraisal on Bush2005 .com if he wins? :)

There is no Bush 2005 - if he manages to take this election, he is done with politics after his term ends in 4 years. There is no where else to go.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2002
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NexSite said:
No matter who wins, we all lose. It's either Duh-bull-ya or Duh-bull-speak. So which is the lesser of two evils? The hard headed patriotic nit wit who promises to stay on the offensive? Or the higly articulate chameleon attorney that changes colors to blend into every political environment and appease every detractors whim to win a vote. This is even worse than Gore vs Bush. Ugh

I hope Bush wins just to piss off Chiraq, our so called ally, who was obviously trying to save Saddams butt for a few $bill in sweetheart deals, maybe becaue he was knee deep in 04F scam. But still, isn't it amazing how the price of Oil has risen 60% with an oil heir in the White House? Coincidence? Maybe. It's almost like middle America is being scammed by the Suadis, the Arabic powers in general, and the Oil interests, to keep prices high. Persistent threats, Terror, Nuclear Proliferation, War, phony WMD intel, and the perfect scapegoat at the Helm in America. A dumb oil kid guided by powerful Hawks. This aint about religion. Its all about Power. Oil and POWER, because Oil IS POWER. Religion is the excuse, the smokescreen. Terror, based on that religion, is the ploy. What a scam. Attack AMerica in the name of religius fervor. (what other reason, excuse could they possibly use?) America freaks out and speaks out, goes on the offensive, gets drawn into war/s, according to the plan. Former threat Saddam becomes a scapegoat, based on convenient Phony Intel provided by, hmmmm, Russia, France, UN. Entire US Government falls for it. Unwittingly, America calls Frances bluff, and goes to war, and perhaps AMericans will now realize that France, or at least Chiracs government, is no longer our ally. In all this turmoil, (TermOIL) OIl speculators bet on Americans fears in he name of high oil futures. Termoil, planned or otherwise, in Oil regions around the Globe strain supply. Iran bakes yellow cake for future card party., as they too want to play ther hand.

Better yet, I hope Kerry wins so he can prove he is a LIAR. He looked right into that camera and said, he will not raise my taxes. "read my lips" ring a bell? I hope he gets the chance to prove that. I think that guy will say anything to get my vote. If he thinks France, China, Russia, are gonna cuddle Uncle Sam cuz he defeated Bush, he's gonna find out the hard way. THEY HATE US. (or at least our presidents) Its like Those leaders ENvy the Power of the US Presidents office, to the point where thay are willing to double cross and stab us in the back. And the Evil doers got to love the Divided States right about now. Mr K is playing RIGHT INTO thier plan.

Bush and Kerry are absolutely two of the least ideal people to be running this country. Where are all the GREAT leaders? Amazing, 300 million Americans, and we get stuck with these two. When I was growing up, presidents were considered GREAT men. The world has changed indeed, as I see hardly a leader in this entire World I would consider Great in comparison to leaders of the past. Reagan may have been the last of the Mohicans for the US. Chirac. Enough said. Putin. Dictator in waiting. On and On and ON, everywhere you look, you see mediocrity in our world leaders, and the United Nations is a JOKE, a true coalition of the bribed, the coerced. Save your domain money folks. Almost anything can happen in the next 4 years. I believe we have only seen the beginning. And I hope I am wrong too.

Hope to see ya in four years for McCain vs Hillary. Yeehah.

Thanks for the chance to rant. Now spew your venom.

great post!


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 18, 2002
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Ive been backing McCain since his last stab at the presidency, unfortunately he didn't have the momentum he has now. I'll vote for bush just because I actually know what he stands for.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2004
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I feel like a person who has no voice. Everyone know's bush cheated to get in and now
people want him to stay after he has ruined our pride. I wish everyone who votes for bush goes to some other country for a month or so and lives as a proud american.
between the war and outsourcing, ssi, healthcare, jobs, taxable income and the U.S. budget he fails. The oil industry grows stronger and I wonder who they support. As the middle class american finds freedom in being poor. Yeah just wait until winter comes and your heating bills are bigger than your mortgage payment then you will say
that bush is a nice guy Im sure glad he cares about me. This is the worst leadership
I have ever seen. Look at your friends and ask them are you better off today. Im not a democrat. Im ashamed to be a republician. I belive bush should be defeated. I will just have to wait another four year's to support a leader that I belive in. You all should
do the same. Bush has lost and if you vote for him is like saying the dodger's still have a chance in the world series.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
May 13, 2004
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To me its all a load of rubbish, something is always fixed in some manner, the truth has no meaning.

Same with Blair, he knows he's done wrong but they are very clever in maintaining their two faces.

Even if another pres is elected, what changes do you expect? Can he pickup the pieces with Iraq that bush has left?

etc etc.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Nexsite, excellent post. Very awkward to get into politics on forums like this, but I think I could rewrite that for us Limeys, substituting the word 'Blair' here and there... ;) I hope I've not lit the taper...

Edit: Sorry, Rich beat me to it -- I posted this from the first page of the thread...
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