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Prison sentence for domainer

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Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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At some point someone is going to have to go to prison for these scams that keep everyone allows to happen. I was looking at Dn Journal tonight and we aresupposed to believe this nonsense.

14. Hotels4U.co $16,039 .CO Landrush Auctions

Sooner or later someone is going to have to go down for the count for allowing these scams to continue. That sale is not a legit sale no matter what anyone on earth says. If people keep publishing this garbage then I am going to have to take the next step and contact the authorities.

You guys did this crap with dotmobi and a lot of those NON SALES got published as real. Keep throwing this garbage in the faces of honest domainers and you are going to have a problem. The registries are comitting fraud and those publishing these ridiculous so-called sales are complicit in this fraud.

Every honest domainer who sees this stuff should step up and demand accountabilitiy. If someone went to prison it would put a damper on it real quick.


Pink Lover!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Yea that does seem a bit odd. I have been selling nice single word .cos for that price so that is hard to believe.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2010
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Chase.co was sold for $15,000 but was never reported in Land Rush Auction Results. I wonder why. I wonder how many Trademark domains were not reported.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 12, 2006
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Hotels4U.co is the obvious typo of Hotels4U.com, an alexa 55k site with tons of traffic. You have no idea how well hotel traffic converts.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 22, 2006
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I m the only one that sees .com typo for .co ?


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2007
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I'm not sure the example you posted is a good example of how shady things can be.

Domainers, affiliate marketers, the list goes on and on. Fake review and news sites, artificial scarcity and false hype in tlds, rebills, etc.

Greed of a few is going to bring the regulatory hammer down eventually - which will probably just make it harder for the little guy and let the people who have already made a ton of money in the non-regulated market throw money at the issue and still run free.

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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I don't understand. How could this end up in a prison sentence?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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fact is no one outside of our little bubble cares about fake sales. if halaverez can get away with what he did, basically you can do anything.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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fact is no one outside of our little bubble cares about fake sales. if halaverez can get away with what he did, basically you can do anything.
Well stated.

It is amazing how many crimes are not prosecuted because it would "look bad" for the enterprise.

Deleted member 111831

Nobody is going to jail. The online poker industry is far more corrupt and there is far more money at stake, and the cheaters and scammers are never brought to justice. The problem is that we all live all over the globe and it is so easy to hide our identites and locations.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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I don't understand. How could this end up in a prison sentence?

I am just making the point that every time these FRAUD extentions show up we are forced to read about multiple alleged sales at leading sites like Dn Journal. I already busted a few of these fraudsters a few years ago and I was the one that got harrassed because of it.

I know the game. They always tell you that you cannot prove it. That is part of the deal. 99 percent of these "headscratcher" sales are private sales and usually the scammers at least dot a few i's and cross a few t's so that it isn't so obvious.

I know these sales are fraudulent. I mean, Hotels4u.co goes to a Go-Daddy parked page right now. If someone bought that name in a fair "arm's length" transaction intending to capitalize on the traffic, then they sure are wasting it. http://www.hotels4u.co/

I don't care if these scammers sell names back and forth to themselves, but part of the game always involves trying to get these crap names published by a reputable place like Dn Journal. I remember being forced to read about Sportsbook.mobi being sold for over 125K back in late 2006 or early 2007. These are obvious scams at the time, but nobody can challenge anybody on the fraud because the pumpers go crying and put pressure on those who are trying to prevent these scams from going on. Take a look at sportsbook.mobi now. I want to know who pulled off this scam of a non-sale? The people who publish these fake sales have a duty to expose these people so they can be shunned by those who prefer to do business in a fair manner.


The list goes on and on, and now we have to keep an eye on everyone involved with .co, since the same scams are being used again.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
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yep .co typo for sure for .com

I got some of my corporate names in .co and got some minor stuff, but I can see a company wanting it to cover their bases

While it's a CCtld, it works good in ppc, I use my already and no one doesn't click the ads because it's a .co

.co is big in europe too due to .co.uk

So even though it's a CCtld, it's okay to me but I doubt they will score high in organic serp's

Google sees it as a CCltd, so yeah, in Colombia it's gonna score real nice, but the rest of the world, google will ignore it in serp's

You look for insurance in USA you don't see insurance.co.uk, yet if you're in the UK you see insurance.co.uk

What a crap site lloyds has too on it


Now mobi, that's a high score global tld for mobile devices, so yeah, .mobi's could pop for seo on mobile devices

So any keyword in .mobi, if you can put a site up to fit that little screen, you gonna be high on google serp's for that keyword on mobile devices

You only have a few real global tld's and .co and .co.uk and other CC's are not them, now .us scores high for serps' in usa, .biz is supposed to be an international strength serp score, I have a .biz that scores high

.info scores high, but not sure outside USA if it does

Anyway, you could see some big numbers in .mobi

Colombia is a major country in South America, heck, the last 3 girls I dated were all Colombian, so there's a ton of people there, and the chicks are the hottest around in SFL imo

They got good coke down there, or did

They got those Nazca lines too

All the medicine men were doing coca and they flew in astral travels and saw the drawings LOL

music.mobi 600K nice
porn.mobi 100K cheap
bank.mobi 50K dirt cheap
flowers.mobi was 200K and wasn't it resold for 6K other day? dirt cheap, flowers cpc in major cities are huge close to 10 bucks cpc, so a site built for mobile devices will do huge floral numbers

we get a lot of traffic to our mobi pages, you hit our main site with a mobile device it sends you to a mobile optimized page

so mobi is a real share of the net and yeah, sharp internet IT departments are gonna grab keywords if they are high cpc and score high on google mobile device serp's

we got a big insurance .mobi project going on right now too

so .mobi is coming and every iphone or smart phone just adds to the eyeballs finding .mobi traffic

so yeah, porn, flowers, insurance, cars, music, it's all good and valuable if you want to get some of the mobile eyeballs which is more and more people everyday

now fake sales are technically SCHILLING or SCHILL's

Funny Frank Schilling LOL

You his type-ins are never on page one, and if he spent some dough on SEO he would make way more money by having Organic Traffic compared to the minor type in traffic some of his top names get


Buying Premium Domains
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 26, 2007
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For end users, anything can happen. Also bidding war between people could increase adrenalin which might make misjudged bids in the auctions. I am sure it might have happen to some of you as well. You end up fighting each other for a domain which is not worth that much and ended up paying far more than end user value.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I didn't know I was reading NamePros.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2005
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Yeah sometimes i think this whole industry is rigged with BS domains going fro BS prices,it's definately money laundering no question, imean how much is a domain worth ? with ten BS so called domain experts in a room write dopwn a valuation on a generic .com and i bet they will be all different so,the perfect weapon for money laundering,now please tell me guys this does not happen ? ;-)


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
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Different domain 'experts' are familiar with different ways to view a domain, example insurance.com, is it worth 35M? A typical 'expert' that thinks of domains like Frank Schilling say well it gets X searches exact and Y are typeins and cpc is Z so value is XYZ

How about this, insurance.com is a 1 Billion to 3 Billion buck asset if not more, the reason, my experience is with developing keywords that a business acquires to offset costs and gain new clients. So to any billion buck plus insurance company, insurance.com was a billion buck plus asset. The reason is simple over 50 million people a month search for insurance related terms, auto insurance, car, life, home, health, whatever, and they do geo tags too.

Now guys like Schilling are worthless in putting pages on page 1 of SE's, so they see type-ins as the only value, well a keyword.com for a industry like insurance can pop any insurance term they want via development, auto.insurance.com life.insurance.com newyorkauto.insurance.com

You name it they can be page one IF they have a real seo/sem guru, the problem is they don't, so this asset went way under what it was worth

50 Million people a month and google can give any insurance company around 4 million of that traffic at a cost of 60 million a month in ppc, so 700M a year to be a player in insurance via ppc ads or buy insurance.com for 36.5M and develop it to be page one for almost any term

Now had allstate or prudential had a real SEO/SEM maven running their IT departments this baby would of been bought a long time ago

Bottom line is, to a domain investor a term like fortlauderdaletires.com is worth 10 bucks to reg it, it was sold for 500 to a end user, now that end user has to pay a seo company to keep it on page one of google with content that gets almost 20% response ratios

So when you have a good IT team that can make a high response page, then the real value of domains and control to business owners become apparent

I just bought a domain today for a nice sum, but to me, it's a asset for a term I want to use, yet it sat there for years even though big companies are using the same word .com, so it was a ONE X .com and 1X.com was used to catch traffic by a major company

So I bought the ONE version

To me, 1 and One domains are very brandable and for marketing you get to say One or 1 KEYWORD .com the #1 KEYWORD whatever

Now most domain investors would laugh at a one or 1 domain, yet for major keywords they're brandable and okay, not fortune values, but nice values

Now GEOkeywords to any owner who is that keyword in that GEO are worth a lot, the reason they get page one IF they can find a SEO team that knows how to pop a keyword.com

It's not that easy for business terms, if it were, then all of Schilling's type-ins would be page one and they're not

Now real SEO gurus know what they can park on page one and keep it there

keyword.com is a keeper using and if it's a combo keyword the hyphen for SEO purposes is as good as the no hyphen

So a lawyer in say new york, his abclawfirm.com is not something that will ever stick on page one long, so controlling newyorklawyer.com or newyork-lawyer.com becomes a major asset since he has to pay 40 bucks a click for ppc

So a speculator looks at newyork-lawyer.com and laughs no type-in yet I would advise a client all day to own it and the non hyphen and the top 7 tld's with the keyword so now your competition can't do easier keyword development to stick a keyword there, so now page 1 if all the tld's are controlled by one source is completely in control of the company owning all of those keywords in 7 tlds. so in most cases it's GEOkeyword.com/net/5others and the GEO-keyword

So the guy that has that can be page one organic and no one in his industry will be able to stick a domain on page one long term since they won't have a keyword to stick and keywords developed properly are what google puts emphasis on, especially in GEO searches

So what are domains worth to businessmen that KNOW this, a lot, and if one is willing to invest in controlling the domains, then that person will end up controlling page one probably forever in his industry

When you actually manage SEM accounts like I do for many clients in many industries, you see the cpc that owners want to pay for a top left ad, I know what I charge to stick them on a first view map and it's not cheap and organic is part of the picture, even though most organic is now under the top left ppc and local maps

Also, geokeywords manipulate maps too, so when you realize GEOkeyword can pop a business on maps and organic and they also help buy ppc cheap, you understand the value to a business that keywords have

Most investors see only keyword.com they don't understand what a geokeyword is worth to professionals and businesses in that geo

Most major keywords in big markets now bring up all the big search directories, you very rarely see ABC whatever there now, UNLESS they own a geo for their keyword and they got a good SEO specialist popping it

So, depending on who the SEO/SEM specialist is advising a businessman spending money on a domain, that's why you can see huge numbers for .mobi and .us and .info other tld's that most 'investors' say are junk, they're not, they can pop google and a CCtld is worth it in that country for their business keywords too

autosoftware.co.za went for only 35K or so

to me it was cheap

I can assure you the SEO guy advising the businessman that will be using it that look, you sell auto insurance in south africa and english is the main language, and yeah, ppc for auto insurance is huge, so why not put almost 50K into the keyword that gets you 40 buck cpc clicks all day for free

now stuff like flowers.mobi, it's gonna one day control serp's on all mobile devices for flowers, I wish I knew it was up for auction, didn't know about it, oh well, it's a gem and I have a flower client and damn that's worth way more than 6K

Why, flowers cpc in many markets is almost 10 bucks cpc now, so controlling mobile serp's for flowers with flowers.mobi is going to be a huge thing

.mobi is way undervalued IMO

So, that's why you have prices all over the place

A guy like me that sticks page one for high cost cpc business terms can tell an owner to spend a lot of money on a domain that most 'investors' or experts would never think were worth anything

If a domain is in a tld that can pop google and it is a keyword with high cost cpc it's worth a lot of money

In 7 global tld's and in any CCtld where that keyword is also searched for

Some keywords change due to languages, but some are universal

the way people usually look at domains in this forum is biased toward exact matches in .com so they may get type-ins

Fine, don't value them for ppc and organic and maps and don't value how hyphens and other tld's besides .com can manipulate SE's

So that's why you have such a range of values, it depends on the real knowledge of the appraiser, and most domain appraisers use the .com type in valuation or well it's a brandable .com, the real value is what does the term cost a business in ppc, so how many organic clicks at that cpc will it bring for free

Mark Talbot

Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 13, 2003
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So, having read all this here,...

The bottom line,... or "Occams Razor",...

To what, in one sentance, is the benefit for the false .com sale reports.

The root reason.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
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the snap thing was to pump the bottom line revenue numbers to make it a buyout and it was sold and then they found out the books were cooked
however, to look at sales in .mobi and .co.za and .info and .biz and .us and say garbage tld, no way they sold for that, BS, a keyword for big cpc term is worth gold in .mobi and .us and .co.az is English language based with huge population, and .biz is a global TLD that can pop google for serp's and .info pops google as a global and .us is the top market in the world

so the thread was like accusing any nice XX,XXX sale in a off tld as being fake, they're not

sure some are

but tires.mobi and casino.mobi and flowers.mobi and insurance.mobi are mega buck keywords since mobile device use is exploding and google favors them for mobile serp's

just like .us is favored in US searches

and .co.uk in UK

now inside USA, you have a nice development of .com and .net and even .org so you don't see how well .us pops, but it does, especially in GEO

so to say this or that is fake since it's a garbage TLD, is wrong, every tld for certain keywords has nice range buyers

autoinsurance.co.za 36K

now flowers.mobi was what 200K a while back, then dumped for nothing


foolish dump, you put flowers.mobi on top of mobile device serp's you can lease to FTD or Flowers.com all day for that a month, 6K a month easy if not 10K

you know what flowers cpc in major markets is now

so newyork.flowers.mobi is easily number one in NYC for mobile device searches and yeah, mobile devices look for flowers all day long

now a florist in nyc won't pay you 1K or more to be on top of flowers for mobile searches in ny with newyork.flowers.mobi

so I was trying to explain why a lot of tld's have nice value due to how google ranks them

the SEO value and some just want to say oh keyword.mobi worthless, no one types it in

guess what on mobile devices no one types in most .com's you use facebook, you have an app just for mobile, you need something you go to google optimized for mobile, if they know a website is optimized for mobile devices, you are way up on serp's

.mobi is supposed to be developed for mobile devices

so google sees a mobile friendly site on a keyword.mobi

it scores high

there's fraud in everything, but there's a lot of smart buyers picking up keywords in off tlds for minor sums that are worth a lot of money

so why do the same people in domain forums say over and over .us or .info or .mobi is worthless

do they have a 2nd account where they buy all day long the dumps people are making

you know if a major keyword.mobi comes up in a drop everyone is bidding it


so there's more fraud I see in 'experts' saying something is worthless, than in domain news reports saying something sold for X dollars

everyone has an interest in what they say or report usually

domain news sites want to report domain sales, the higher the better

domain experts who know .mobi are worth money trash it, the more negative stuff on .mobi the cheaper they can buy .mobi

not that this is what this thread is about, some people act like experts who have no real knowledge of how end users actually use certain tld's and what a domain is worth to end users who pay 5 or 10 or 40 bucks cpc now through adwords

quick buck artists look at two things

what's the exact searches and is it com

wow potential type-ins

third thing is what is cpc

that's how they value domains

so great for end users all this negative talk about geo's are worthless and anything outside a .com gets no type-ins

well a geo pops a local map and then you get a ton of impression for that 'industry' outside of an exact match

so while a term like say fort lauderdale rims gets very little exacts, it gets 5K maps impressions a month for many auto related terms

so once you know that, you can show an owner why he wants to pay 500 or 1000 for a minor GEO to get a ton of map impressions and even local organic for terms related to that keyword or industry

so, prices can be real, they can be fake, in snap's case it was to pump up revenue to sell, so fraud in auctions

domain news sites usually have no reason to report fake sales, unless the owner has a huge stake in certain tld, I see more bashing by people of tld's to drive down prices so they can buy up keywords cheap than I see people overhyping sales
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