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Privacy Whois Service of Godaddy is the most expensive on marketplace !

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Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2008
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Privacy Whois Service of Godaddy is the most expensive
on marketplace !

It's easy to see that:

Privacy Whois Service prices

Godaddy $8.99/yr = new .com domain registration fee :eek: ???
Moniker $4.00/yr
Dynadot.com $2.00/yr
elb.com $1.00/yr

Name.com FREE Privacy (plus free email)
1and1.com FREE Privacy
Answerable.com FREE Privacy
Resellerclub.com FREE Privacy
namecheap.com FREE Privacy ...

Do you know Free Privacy Whois from other registrars ?



DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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not free but i think domainsite charges $0.50


Best Customer Support
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 17, 2006
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Just to clarify - Moniker's privacy service is $2.00/per name NOT $4.00.

Have a great weekend! ;)


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 20, 2007
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hey, guys - actually moniker is $4 but if you prepay $50 on your acct and bal is still $50 when any privacy needs to be added then it's only $2, just found out recently, just remember to make sure the bal is at least that much at the time privacy is added, easy to forget !

dynadot is $2 but your full name is still displayed, they do it on purpose since they've had ppl concerned about who owns the names when cos like Domains by Proxy (a GD sub-co) appear as the registrant and there should be a dispute, it's 1/2 privacy only but it's prorated, that i do like, so you only pay for the remainder of your reg

namecheap isn't private unless you're reggin or transferrin a name, for rens you don't get it unless there's a promo, what i like there is you can move the whois guard around as much as you want, this mo you have it on one name, next mo you can assign it to another name, and if you buy 3 whois guards at once you get a lower price
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Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2008
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Hi angel69

Why don't you compare godaddy privacy price with following registrars ?

Name.com FREE Privacy (plus free email)
1and1.com FREE Privacy
Answerable.com FREE Privacy
Resellerclub.com FREE Privacy
namecheap.com FREE Privacy
triple.com FREE Privacy
domaincentral.com FREE Privacy
netfirms.com FREE Privacy ...

Go Daddy

Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 1, 2008
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Please call you account manager and ask them about privacy pricing for Domain Investors. Remember folks... All advertised pricing is for businesses and consumers that buy a handful of domains. We have pricing options for our domain investors. Please call 480 505-8885 and someone can help you with the pricing. In most cases when you register or transfer in bulk, Privacy is FREE.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Plus godaddy charges you an administrative fee when there is a dispute over a name and someone requests your info...then you are charged like $25 after ALREADY paying the same price as a domain registration for privacy in the first place! lol I do still love em' though...hot chicks. ;)


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 20, 2007
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romeo111 - namecheap does not offer free privacy for renewals, if you know a trick or a reliable coupon code, tell me, when you reg or trans names to them it is free, many times it's fun to move names for 1 yr where they're cheaper or you get free extras but a yr from now they'll demand full price & maybe even no free extras anymore

NAME i liked too till they raised regs + rens to 8.99, no coupons ever work, trans are 7.99, kinda ok, i like their free privacy, but too expensive for me, its cousin DomainSite (same owner) charges only 50 c for priv, 7.99 trans, but regs + rens are 8.88 and DomainSite is less secure than NAME, many ppl haven't even heard of DomainSite

answerable, just dealt w/them shortly, free priv but exp rates, not interested

ResellerClub i had never dealt w/ till all names from EST Domains were transferred there in 11/08 after EST Domains lost its license, they should've been allowed to keep it and thieving lying scumbags like Euro DNS should've lost it, point is, Reseller Club was supposed to give me free priv for all names since i had it at EST Domains but they did not, not for a single name, i complained about this and got an answer which i was supposed to retrieve on their site, only my password did not work for that support section ( it did for sign-in ) i told them, guess what they did, they sent me a 2nd email w/a link again, which i could only get at....you guessed it ! the same support page where, lo and behold, my password still did not work....wanna buy those people a brain....? i began to move all names outta there immediately

1and1.com, free privacy but have you ever tried to transfer a name outta there ? or even one into there ? contact me once you try, IT IS SHEER MADNESS !
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Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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It's funny that whois privacy at godaddy is so expensive, yet so ineffective as they will happily disclose your personal information to just anybody who requests so without any reason :rolleyes:


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2008
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romeo111 - you seem to like NAME and i did too till they raised regs + rens @ 8.99, no coupons ever work, trans are 7.99, kinda k, and yeah i like the free privacy, but too exp for me ! its cousin DomainSite charges only 50 c for priv, 7.99 trans, but regs + rens are 8.88, and DomSite is much less secure than NAME, many ppl haven't even heard of DomSite

answerable, just dealt w/em shortly, free priv BUT exp rates, not interested....

angel69, you say so much ...
You endeavour to change the truth
But truth always win everything !

Are you from Godaddy ? :D
Please see this post like as a customer feedback.

It's easy to compare and see that " Privacy Whois Service of Godaddy is the most expensive on marketplace ! "

Name.com reg fee + FREE privacy whois -> Total price (no hidden fee) = $ 8.99 (plus FREE email)
(transfer .com $ 7.99)

answerable.com reg fee + FREE privacy whois -> Total price (no hidden fee) = $ 9.49
(transfer .com $ 8.49)

Godaddy $10.69 reg fee (regular price, not use promo code) + $ 8.99 privacy whois + paid email (if exist) -> Total price (no hidden fee) >=$19.68
-> = 2 times name/answerable total price
(transfer .com 6.99 + VAT = $ 7.17 ~ name/answerable )

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Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Domain WHOIS shield is $10 at eNom.
And FREE at Fabulous.com


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 20, 2007
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romeo111: what do you mean "i endeavour to change the truth" ? what part of my post isn't true, while this thread was about GD's privacy being excessive ( i agree w/that 110% ) i tried to share my experiences at other places as free privacy must not be the only criterion used, if you think my post is long, don't read it, let members who are serious about where they have their names learn from others' experiences

in your words "truth always win...", indeed it does, i do not work for, advocate the use of, or even recommend GD on this thread, esp when privacy costs matter, as any avg person doing domains a number of my names are w/GD, soon they'll have 1 out of every 3 domains regged on earth, if they're not there already, so what's the purpose of your quoting answerable, name & GD rates in your last post if at no point did i state anything to the contrary ? read what i said about each, tell me where i was wrong, so other than your thinking my post was long i fail to see where i "favor" GD or justify its ridiculous privacy cost, read carefully before you post, pal :eek:

acro is right about enom & it's $19 @ NetSol if you want privacy....i'm sure there are more who charge more than gd

sdsinc, i feel exactly the same way about GD's revealing to anybody any of our info w/o a subpoena, 1st time i heard it i couldn't bellieve it, i didn't know it was even legal for GD to do that after we pay 8.99 for privacy & engage into a legally binding agreement w/their own Domains by Proxy
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Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2009
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Name.com is always better than Godaddy for domain registrations on friday expecially but godaddy offers more discount than name.com; privacy is matter of option not mandatory so Godaddy charges it high to settle its bulk discounts


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 20, 2007
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cocobongo, i totally agree $8.99 (or even when it's on special for $6.99 and even $5.99) Go Daddy's privacy cost is excessive, ROMEO111 was clearly anti-GD and GD has done things to me that I've nearly walked out outta there for good a couple of times, I'm not a GD die-hard fan but as most of us I got started w/them, their website is designed for 1st-time domainers and they're pretty successful at keeping you there after, and despite all thier dirty tricks, policies and problems w/Support I keep coming back for one reason or another, convenience for one, their website is in fact superior to simliar registrars (whatever your level is) as far as what you can do there, I also sell on GD auctions, most names traded there are regged at GD, it makes it eaiser and cheaper to keep a name there. So I know privacy being that high makes it prohibitive sometimes and if I really need it and can't move the name due to their unique rolling 60-day lock then I have a problem (if you're hand-regging 5+ names you get free privacy for those new ones)

As to their still ongoing filthy trick that if you have privacy on a domain and you want to renew the domain but not its privacy you're stuck w/renewing its privacy as well, want it or not, and at $8.99 no less, that is just disgusting. I read on a post elsewhere they make you go to DBP to terminate your own privacy to help prevent fraud and it's true, somewhat, names w/privacy on them cannot be moved out of GD unless the registrant deletes privacy himself on DBP, it will not convince anybody at all as an argument to force privacy renewal on you but in a convoluted way the GD privacy does add security in some way

I'll post on your other thread where this is elaborated, having to go to Domains by Proxy to remove privacy before renewing a name is a real pain in the ass but it's the easier way. You may know this too: you create a new GD acct to push your names to before their expire so privacy gets cancelled automatically during the push (as irritating as it may be to create a 2ndary acct just to get around this) but this only works IF the domain has not expired, if you renew one day after exp date you have to do the DBP manual deletion, shoving privacy renewals down one's throat is low, it will backfire as more and more people find out about this. There are lots of GD haters here, I often ask how they find the alternative they end up choosing as a registrar as far as extras given, features, prices, security, Support etc, --what can you do....sometimes you gotta go w/the lesser of evils so to speak :undecided: --

The other thread cocobongo refers to which he also started I found interesting, so check it out

well, GoDaddy privacy is way more expensive than what has been told in thsi thread. Read http://www.dnforum.com/f557/very-frustrated-new-godaddy-trick-thread-397282.html to find out the real face of GoDaddy and its "privacy" scam

Good luck to anyone using it. You'll really need it.
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DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 16, 2005
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I just did as the Godaddy rep recommended and called there executive support department. Turns out that they need at least 350 domains to offer discounts on privacy.

What a rip off.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 17, 2003
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I registered few domains (15-20) with godaddy and they are offering free privacy , although i took only for one domain, cause it will star tcharging from second year ... i do not take so much of risk :) ..money once gone, so gone (if i forget auto renew thing to be changed to manual)
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