Remember, you don't have to do anything with it if you don't want to spend the time doing it. There are many people who make the wrong assumption that they must put in countless hours into every name they have that has value. The truth is that a strong name should rise in value over time. It can go in the vault, and just because you aren't making money on it does not mean you are wasting it, especially with a name like this that will likely only be monetized by putting in a lot of work.
Sometimes, it is good enough just to have a nice vacant lot located in a good area. Pay the taxes each year, or have someone mow the lawn once in a while, and wait for a neighbor or local business to buy it. One mistake you can make is to build a site that you really aren't passionate about. You could put in hundreds of hours and not make any money, then one day someone might come along and want the name for a different reason. If you sell it to them you just flushed that time down the toilet.
Parking gets a bad rap, but it is really effiicent, even if the PPC on a particluar name is very low or non-existent. Just like if you owned a vacant lot within a reasonable distance of Yankee Stadium. In that case you could get paid while you wait for the right offer, and you aren't engaging in an effort that will be wasted. On a smaller scale think of something like the Masters Golf tournament. People rent nearby homes for a week. They even rent parking spaces in front of their houses for similar situations. All of that is just gravy. If you own a decent piece of property somewhere it will likely go up in value over time. Domains are a bit different than regular real estate, but they are very similar. It is OK to not develop.